As our follow-up  thought about not taking everything we see and hear on TV and the internet as truth, we are bombarded with information. Much of this information is touted as news which too often is unsubstantiated and/or spun for a false purpose. When we begin to really research the information, it often turns up that facts are skewed and opinions are presented as fact. This creates skeptics and that can good but not always. Many people view Jesus Christ with unbelief even though He is real and there is clear information to support Him. What many hear presented as truth gets written off as opinion or simply what someone wants to believe. Many say they have to see it to believe it. The resurrection of Jesus is a fact we can build our life on. There were so many eye-=witnesses of Jesus’ life, crucifixion, resurrection, many appearances after His resurrection, and His ascension (right before the disciples’ eyes). Now, as believers, we can fell and even hear the Holy Spirit, which was predicted by Jesus just prior to His ascension. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, as reported by so many, proves Jesus is the true Messiah and it is grounded in fact.

Read Luke 24:1-6a

We all know this story and have read it many times. None of the Gospels records all the resurrection appearances of Jesus. Each evangelist told of the resurrection in light of his distinctive purpose. Luke emphasized the reality of the resurrection and the difference it made in the lives of the disciples. Although Jesus’ followers had heard Him predict His death and resurrection, they were not expecting Him to be raised from the dead (vv.1-12). They believed only after they had seen the risen Lord for themselves (vv.33-43). The Lord helped them see the cross as a triumph, not a tragedy (vv.13-32). He commissioned His followers to be His witnesses to all nations (vv. 44-49). Thus, although the disciples of Jesus had been in despair when He had left them earlier, they were able to live in confident joy after His ascension (vv.50-53).

These verses tell of the empty tomb, which points to Jesus’ resurrection. Some skeptics try to explain away the resurrection Jesus. One of their theories is that the disciples saw someone or something they mistook for Jesus. This assumes that the disciples were anxiously awaiting the resurrection. To the contrary, the New Testament shows that they were not expecting Jesus to be raised for the dead. Luke 24:11 is clear evidence of this fact. The women had seen the empty tomb (vv.1-3) and had heard the angels say that Jesus was alive (vv. 4-7). However, when they reported this to the disciples (vv. 8-10), “these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them” (v.11). Some of the men went to the tomb and found it empty (vv.12, 24), but they still were not convinced. Only later, when they saw Jesus for themselves, did they believe (vv. 33-43).

The women brought spices to the tomb as we would bring flowers- as a sign of love and respect. The women went home and kept the Sabbath as the law required, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, before gathering up their spices and perfumes and returning to the tomb. The two angels (appearing as “two men”…clothed in dazzling robes) asked the women why they were looking in a tomb for someone who was alive. Often we run into people who are looking for God among the dead. They study the Bible as a mere historical document and go to church as if going to memorial service. But Jesus is not among the dead- He lives! Listen to the Choir’s songs today. He reigns in the hearts of Christians, and He is the head of His church. We need to look for Jesus among the living. We can expect Him to be active in the world and in the church. Look for signs of His power – they are all around us.

Read Luke 24:6b-8

The angels reminded the women that Jesus had predicted His death and resurrection (vv.6-7). How could the disciples have heard these predictions and not been expecting Jesus to be raised from the dead? They had heard what He said, but they had not understood (Mark 9:32; Luke 9:45; 18:34). They had their own expectations about what the Messiah was to be and to do. They, as did all most all believers, that Jesus came to set-up an earthly kingdom right now. Therefore, they heard only what they expected to hear (9:22). Jesus had told His disciples repeatedly beforehand that He would rise again. This was a promise that was fulfilled and so will His promise to return again. This underscores the validity of the resurrection, which is a fact revealed by: 1) Jesus’ death was no unfortunate accident; 2) Jesus died on the cross in our place; and 3) Jesus defeated death for us. Only God Himself could accomplish all this- and He did!

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the central fact of Christian history. On it, the church is built, without it there would be no Christian church today. Jesus’ resurrection is unique. Other religions have strong ethical systems, concepts about paradise and the afterlife, and various Holy Scriptures. Only Christianity has a God who became human, literally died for His people, and was raised again in power and glory to rule His church forever.

The Resurrection is so important because: 1) Christ was raised from the dead, we know that the Kingdom of Heaven has broken into earth’s history. Our world is now headed for redemption, not disaster. God’s mighty power is at work destroying sin, creating new lives, and preparing us for His coming, 2) Because of the Resurrection, we know that death has been conquered and we, too, will be raised from the dead to live forever with Christ, 3) The Resurrection gives authority to the church’s witness in the world. Look at the early evangelistic sermons in the Book of Acts- the apostles’ most important message was the proclamation that Jesus Christ had been raised from the dead, 4) The Resurrection gives meaning to the church’s sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Like Jesus’ followers on the Emmaus Road, we break bread with our risen Lord, who comes in power to save us, 5) The Resurrection helps us find meaning even in great tragedy as it gives us all hope for the future,6) The Resurrection assures us that Christ is alive and ruling His Kingdom. He is not a legend: He is alive and real, and 7) God’s power that brought Jesus back from the dead is available to us so that we can live for Him in an evil world.

Christians can look very different from one another, and they can hold widely varying beliefs about politics, life-style, and even theology. But one central belief unties and inspires all true Christians: Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

Read Luke 24:36-40

These verses tell of Jesus’ appearances to the disciples after His resurrection. If the disciples believed that Jesus was risen (v.34), why were they startled and frightened when Jesus appeared to them (v. 37)? Hearing Peter’s testimony was one thing, but suddenly being confronted by the Lord was something else. At first, they thought He was a ghost; therefore, Jesus challenged them to look carefully and even handle Him (v. 40- compare 1 John 1:1).

Jesus’ body wasn’t a figment of the imagination or the appearance of a ghost- the disciples touched Him, and He ate food (vv.41-43). On the other hand, His body wasn’t a restored human body like Lazarus’ (John 11).  He was able to appear and disappear. We are told He passed through walls with no doors and, unlike when He was “human”, He could go everywhere. Jesus resurrected body was immortal. This is the kind of body we will be given at the resurrection of the dead (1Corinthians 15:42-50).

He paid for our salvation and gained the victory He won over death by being resurrected to life. Jesus is the risen Lord. Through His resurrection He conquered death so His followers can experience true, authentic, and everlasting life. The facts are clear- Jesus’ resurrection provides a foundation on which we can build our lives.


REVELATION: What are Christians Affirmations? They are a method to reprogram your mind to gain spiritual confidence in agreement with God's word. It is a marvelous way to gain an amazing insight into God's loving character. Affirmations that lift your life.

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