Jesus lifted up the value and importance of servant-hood, and called us to use whatever He has given us in service, especially service to the “least of these” (Matthew 25:40). Many think of Albert Schweitzer (medical care in Africa) and Mother Teresa (lepers in India) when the subject of servant-hood arises but there are a vast number of Christ’s servants who consistently minister to others’ needs under the radar- with no fanfare. Every definition of greatness our culture teaches centers in wealth, power, ability or name recognition. Vast majority of these people who seek this type of greatness discover its empty feeling and many times lack direction and even despair. God defines greatness in terms of service.

Read Mark 10:42-45 Redefine Greatness

There are a lot of standards for judging greatness, but there are two standards that are in stark contrast to each other. It should be no surprise that they are worldly standards (vv 35-40) and Heavenly standards (vv 41-45). Leading up to our focal verses James and John had worldly dreams of occupying the highest positions in Jesus’ kingdom. James & John, along with their mother (Matt. 20:20-21), showed they completely misunderstood the nature of the kingdom of God when they requested to be at the “right hand” and “left hand” of Jesus. Jesus graciously told the disciples that it was not His to give, but if their request had been taken literally, John & James would have occupied the other two crosses on Golgotha. Jesus was showing them what they should expect by asking questions of them (vv 35-40). (Jesus knew that James would experience an early martyr’s death and that John would have a long, service-filled life.)

When the other disciples learned what James and John had requested, they became very upset. So this brings us to the main verses. Jesus called all the disciples together to teach them about life among His followers – kingdom life. He drew a sharp contrast between pagan Gentile practices and what He expected from His people. For those who want to be great, Jesus said that you first must be a servant (v 43) and then to be the greatest of all, you need to be a slave of all people (v 44). Then for the first time in the book of Mark, Jesus interpreted the purpose of His life. He came to die in our place (v 45). So Jesus not only told the price of discipleship, He lived out discipleship for others to see as He followed the will of God. The disciples thought Jesus’ life and power would save them from Rome. (Jesus was saving them from sin, an even greater slavery than Rome.)

Read Matthew 25:19-21, 29 Seize Your Opportunities

Jesus told another parable to emphasize the importance of responsibly using one’s God-given gifts in the time before Christ’s return. This parable was telling His disciples what their responsibilities would be while awaiting His return. How specifically is the parable telling us that? (The wealthy man, in his absence, distributed his wealth to the slaves to ensure his business was conducted as usual.)The result was that slave who doubled the money clearly was doing things that made his master pleased. The one who just returned the one talent was not dishonest – just disobedient by thinking of himself. He failed to try!  Jesus is teaching that each individual is responsible for the use of only those gifts and abilities that God has given them. Some people have more gifts and abilities than others. So here is a very important concept- there should be no comparing of capabilities for service to God, only the best use of one’s own gifts, whether many or few. The parable describes the consequences of two attitudes toward Christ’s return. The person who diligently prepares for it by investing his or her time and talents to serve God will be rewarded. The person who has no heart for the work of the kingdom will be punished (they are not likely “saved”.)   God rewards faithfulness. Those who bear no fruit for God’s kingdom cannot expect to be treated the same as those who are faithful. God expects only what He has equipped us to do. So we must seize our opportunities to serve.

Read Matthew 25:34-40 Serve the Least of These

Here Jesus presented a picture of final accounting that will occur at His second coming in glory (31). From the “throne of His glory”, He will judge all nations (v 32). It is a vivid, poetic word picture foretelling the way Jesus will judge the world. God will separate His obedient followers from pretenders and unbelievers. We are told that the real evidence of our belief is in the way we act. The parable is verses 34-40 describe acts of mercy we all can do every day. They are simple acts freely given and freely received. Jesus describes Himself as the King, the judge and shepherd. So He will receive and commend His faithful people- those “blessed by my father”. Jesus will invite these to “inherit the kingdom” and enter fully into God’s reign in eternity. Jesus listed six ministry actions. What are they? (Feed the hungry, give the thirsty something to drink, take in a stranger, clothe some, tend to the sick, and visit those in prison.) It is clear that Jesus is telling all that to perform these acts of kindness for those in need is, in fact, performing them for Him.

The focus of this parable is that we should love every person and serve anyone we can.  Such love for others glorifies God by reflecting our love for Him. Our motivation for ministry is to serve Christ by serving others. Consistently ministering to others is evidence we view every life as important to God; thus every person is important to us. Look closely at the actions of Jesus’ genuine followers. First, their ministry actions were spontaneous. They kept no record of their good deeds. They served because they followed a servant Lord (Mark 10:45). Second, the actions were selfless. Christ’s people extended themselves and that they had with no thought of personal gain or reward. They helped people who could offer nothing in return. In addition, they expected no commendation from Christ for what they did. Finally, let’s define what Jesus said were “the least of these”. Among them are the unborn child, the homeless person, the pregnant teenager, the underprivileged mother, and the forgotten senior adult.   We have talked about how we could do some service to others. Well, just above is the list of specific people to whom we could consider providing help.


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