Category Archives: God’s Timing


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There is a pointed story about God’s timing. It seems there was a young man who asked God if His second of time is like a million years to us? God’s reply was a simple- Yes! Then the young man asked God if a penny to Him was really like a Million dollars to us? Again, God’s answer was a straight-forward- Yes! So, the young man thought a moment, then he asked God if he (the young man) could get a penny from God? God’s answer this time was a few more words. God said that the young man could have one of His pennies in one of His seconds.

       It seems clear that to understand God’s timing- no matter when we make that attempt- we must know His timing is different than ours. This says we may always expect something from God that does not fit our schedule. So, does this mean when we pray for something, we will never know when God’s answer will come? Our timing is never God’s timing, and God’s timing is never early and it’s never late. Patience comes when we learn to trust God. God’s Word provides nearly 3,000 promises. Promises that we can claim, and that we can stand on, and that our timing is never God’s timing.  Which has nothing to do with whether we will get an answer to our prayers- if ever. First of all, I believe God will always answer our prayers we just don’t know how or when. Secondly, God will answer all of our prayers to fit His Will-not ours. Regardless of God’s timing, this tells us to always seek His Will with our requests to God. To know how to pray in God’s Will is another subject for another time although you may get things out of God’s Will without really knowing how to pray in God’s Will. But let us go to back to try understanding His timing.

      “God loves you and promises to answer the needs of your prayers. But that does not meet He will give you everything you want when you want it. If He did give you everything you wanted when you wanted it, after a while God would become second place in your life and what you got would become most important- not God. Also, He does not do those things for the simple reason is that somethings we ask for are not in His Will. If it is not good for us, He is not going to give it to us.” (Dr. Charles Stanley) Is it possible to get some things that are not in God’s Will? Yes, you may be able to do something to get the thing or things that are not in God’s Will but there can be consequences. However, the issue is not that God doesn’t want you to have these things; it may be that the timing is not right. God knows when you and I are ready for a particular blessing that we desire maybe with all of our heart and our desired timing is just not the best time. We may not be ready for it, or it would cause more concern for us at the time we want it. Timing is extremely important to God. This gets back to the real issue of this writing- What is God’s timing and how do we know it!!

       God knows your life from beginning to end. God has His own schedule. What we desire may be just the thing that God wants for us, but it needs to wait for something to happen first. He knows exactly where you are at any moment, and He knows exactly where you are going to be cause knows when you will best be ready for that big desire you have. So, to give you your desire when you are not ready for it would not be an act of love on His part.  Many times, it is our unwillingness to wait for the best timing that gets us into trouble, causes great confusion and/or the loss of God’s best blessings in our life. There is a powerful verse of scripture in Isaiah that talks about waiting for God’s timing. Isaiah 64:4: “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.” This means that God is a personal God. He knows every one of us and everything about us because He is omniscient (knows everything always). God acts in our behalf because He is willing to become involved in every aspect of our life. So, acting in my behalf, He will bring about those things that are good for me. He will act in such a way to bring about His Will and purpose. As long as we are one of His children (believing totally in Him, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) He will be there to give us guidance and direction that will not fail. If we are willing to wait on Him, I will be willing to receive God’s best for me at the right time.

       When we are comforted with these situations of wanting and seeking God’s timing, we have three choices.

     1. We can attempt to manipulate the circumstances and that is an attempt to do the same with God. This means we try to go around things and work all kinds of deals to get the timing we want. Maybe it is using a credit card to get that desire well beyond your means. This also gets you into spiritual debt. This really is disobedience to God and there are consequences that are likely to cause many more problems than we even perceive. So, when we act in this manner, we have unforeseen problems and now God may never want to give us that blessing at all- ever. This is totally unnecessary! God wants you to be free and not in spiritual debt and to provide you what you need.

     2. You can say that since God did not answer my prayers, I will just quit and walk away from God. Maybe it is about a job or opportunity that your prayer is not being answered in the time you feel it needed to or you are not getting the answer you wanted in the timing you wanted. You could just forget that opportunity forever, but it is one that God had prepared for you in His timing. Some of the best things in life we may need to wait the longest for. If we are the type of person who feels that we must have this thing in our timing or it is just not worth the wait, we are likely to miss out on God’s greatest blessings.

     3. I can wait, and watch God work in my behalf. Give God a chance and watch what He does. Given time, God knows exactly what He is doing. We just need to watch and wait to see the marvelous things He can and will do. God knows your situation and how you got there. He knows how to change circumstances, if needed, to do it the best way for your situation. To do it His way!!! Then you will be in a position to get the best option available that you may not even knew of its existence if you had done it on your own. Then you can give God the thanks for it.  

       We must not be in a hurray and always want to just move, move, move. That is no way to live a godly life. So, what are the requirements for waiting on God’s timing?

  1. Trust- if we don’t trust Him, we will not obey Him. Sing the hymn “Trust and Obey” for there is no other way! We must trust if we want God’s best. God doesn’t say we will always like it, He doesn’t say we will always understand, He doesn’t say we will not prefer another way, but He needs to do it His way- even if He says NO! This is true no matter what you have been through or are now going through. Because He loves you perfectly and unconditionally. He is the same awesome God no mater where you are in your journey.
  2. Humility- If you don’t trust Him, we are saying I know better than God. What we know is like one grain of sand compared to all the grains of sand in the world. We must not think we know a lot and of course, nowhere near what God knows. To think more highly of one’s knowledge is pride. We must have a humble spirit. That is not a weak spirit but one that looks to God for knowledge – like Solomon, for faith and obedience like Joseph and Abraham, for dedication like David, for always giving the Good News like Paul, but mostly for redemption, forgiveness, and love like Jesus.
  3. Patience- we must wait for God in all things. Don’t be in a hurray to go our own way- always go God’s way. Wait for further direction from God. Often Job is used as an example of patience. Here is where the longer waits could be needed, and patience is required. Must ask yourself: Is what I am waiting for worth the wait? No one can tell you that but you. A suggestion is to go to God in prayer for that answer. It could come very quickly while you wait. At least you are seeking further help from God. If the ultimate thing for which you are waiting has high value to you and to God, He will provide His answer- just be patient. Because God will provide exactly what He has in mind for you and it will be something that blesses you even more than you originally thought.
  4. Courage- It takes courage to wait for God. A. The temptation to follow your schedule versus God’s must be avoided. B. We must avoid the temptation of the pressure from others. C. Void the temptation to be afraid because God is with you. God knows how to defend you.

       We have a choice. We can do it your way or wait for God’s perfect timing. Consequences of doing it our way by failing to wait. 1. We step out of the will of God. We lose God’s direction and blessings. It is a rebellion against God. 2. It will delay His blessings. It may even forbid forever His blessing. 3. We bring pain and suffering upon ourselves. There are several cases in the Bible where people brought pain and suffering upon themselves when God tried to prevent them. 4. It causes confusion. When we try it on our own, we mess up the situation and causes confusion for all involved not just you. Many times, the situation is now uncorrectable. 5. We cause heartache and suffering for others. It can be a big stumbling block for others even in becoming a Christian.

        We need to follow God in all things and seek His Will in all things. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit who walks with us daily. It needs to be our heart’s desire to obey God, that you try to follow Him, you try to listen to Him and not make decisions without talking to Him and pray this prayer: “God speak to my heart, help me to listen to you and to know the truth.” God will listen to that short simple prayer, if you are a true believer in Christ and have asked for forgiveness of your sins. If we believe in Go”, we will obey Him in all things.

      What should we expect if we wait on God’s timing?

  1. He will express His goodness toward us. Lamentations 3:25-26: The Lord is good to the person who seeks (waits for) Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the Lord.  
  2.   He will answer our prayers. Psalm 40:1-3: I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined to me and heard my cry. And brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord.
  3. We will see the fulfillment of our faith. Isaiah 49:23: Those who hopefully wait for me will not be put to shame. God takes our mistakes and turns them around.
  4. He will enable us to win over the struggles of life. Psalm 37:9: For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land. Palm 37:34: Wait for the Lord and keep His way, and He will exalt you inherit the land.
  5. He will give us peace. Philippians 4:4-7: Rejoice in the Lord always again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men, the Lord is nearby. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

   Trust and obey Him. The awesome loving Father will work for you and act in your

    behalf personally.

                        Thanks to Dr. Charles Stanley and the Holy Spirit

        Other Top Bible Verses about God’s Timing in Scripture

    John 6:54:Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will   

          raise them up at the last day.”

      John 8:32: Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

      Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall

           mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall

           walk and not faint.

      Habakkuk 2:3 “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak,  

          and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not    


      Ecclesiastes 3:1 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time  

          to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; A time of war, and a time of peace.”