We know that God is at work even in the midst of conflict. However, all conflict can feel like it is keeping us from more meaningful issues or activities. God can use whatever conflict we are facing though, to bring meaningful results to our lives. Sometimes resolution can be found in conflict where this resolution can lead us to a far stronger relationship with others. God can strengthen our faith and endurance through conflict. Today we will consider the favoritism, hatred and envy involved with the family of Jacob. The older sons of Jacob so hated Joseph that they wanted to kill him. You probably remember why Joseph’s brothers hated him so much, but turn to Genesis for a reminder.

Read Genesis 37:5-8

Jacob (Israel v.3) and his 12 sons lived in Canaan. Joseph was only 17 years old and worked with his brothers tending sheep. One occasion, he brought an unfavorable report concerning some of his brother’s behavior. We are also told that Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons because Joseph had been born to Jacob when he was in old age (v.3). Can you think of another reason Jacob may have favored Joseph? (Joseph was the first born by Rachel, who Jacob loved more than Leah.) This was part of the unwholesome environment in the family (v.3-4). One day Jacob gave Joseph a special multicolored robe. This all added up to this conflict between the other eleven brothers and added up to this conflict between the other eleven brothers and Joseph, but that was not all. Verse 5 tells us about Joseph’s dream and that he demonstrated immaturity by describing it to his brothers.

In Joseph’s day, everyone had a robe or cloak. Robes were used for warmth, to bundle up belongings for a trip, to wrap babies, to sit on, or even to serve as security for a loan. Most robes were knee length, short sleeved, and plain. In contrast, Joseph’s robe was probably of the kind worn by royalty- long sleeved, ankle length, and very colorful. The robe became a symbol of Jacob’s favoritism toward Joseph, and it aggravated the already strained relations between Joseph and his brothers. Favoritism in families may be unavoidable by its divisive effects should be minimized. Parents may not be able to change their feelings toward a favorite child, but they can change their actions toward the others. (Remember the Smother’s Brothers?)

While Jacob’s favoritism with the robe was at the heart of the family’s disputes, Joseph’s dream and the way he handled it brought everything to a head. The brother’s hatred of Joseph grew because he delighted in telling them about his dream. The dream in verse 7 seems to telling his brothers that they needed to bow down to Joseph. Then Joseph had a second dream (v.9). In that dream, Joseph, said the sun, the moon, and 11 starts (catch the fact that there are 11 brothers) bowed down to him. Now even Jacob was incredulous and reprimanded Joseph. If we stop at this point and think about what was in store for Joseph, we realize what those dreams really mean. We also see God’s plans in those dreams. Clearly we know that all people have freedom of choice but everything that happened to Joseph by the hands of his brothers actually fulfilled these dreams that appear to be from God and led Joseph to be in position to save his whole family.

Read Genesis 37:26-28

Judah, who was Jacob’s fourth son and fourth by Leah, came up with a plan to make some money from Joseph’s “disappearance”!  It is difficult to determine if Judah just wanted to make money, sincerely wanted to prevent Joseph’s murder or he just wanted to satisfy his brother’s thirst for revenge with a lesser evil. Regardless, he saved Joseph’s life. As God’s plan unfolds, the buyers of Joseph, the Midianite traders, passed by the brother’s location. In previous verses 198-25, Reuben was the first to come to Joseph’s rescue. He convinced the others to put Joseph in a pit rather than to kill him. Reuben’s plan was to return later and get Joseph out of the pit so he would not die. Before Reuben could come back for Joseph, Judah’s plan was agreed to and Joseph was removed from the pit and sold for 20 pieces of silver. This began Joseph’s journey in Egypt.

Verse 28 uses two different words that appear to refer to the same group; Ishmaelites and MIdianites, but were they? However, it is likely that Ishmaelites designated the caravan as a whole; while Midianite referred to an ethnic group in the overall caravan. The Midianites had developed a connection to Potiphar, who was the captain of the palace guard for the Pharaoh of Egypt. So Joseph was re-sold to Potiphar and started a whole new chapter in his life. So even though this was not what the brothers had in main when they first thought to kill Joseph and toss him into one of the cisterns. The end result actually worked out well for them later. Joseph was alive and sold instead of being killed because the brothers developed a conscious about committing murder.  Sometimes we jump at a solution because it is the lesser of two evils but still is not the right action to take. When someone proposes a seemingly workable solution, first ask “is it right?”

Read Genesis 50:15-21

Joseph’s brothers thought they would never see him again. But God was in control of Joseph’s life and had other plans. A lot of things had happened from when Joseph first arrived in Egypt and when we find out Jacob had died.  Joseph’s position in Egypt again involved dreams. First he interpreted dreams of two prisoners to win back the approval of Pharaoh. Then Joseph understood Pharaoh’s dreams that forecast a seven year famine. This famine got Joseph and his family back together again. Joseph showed forgiveness and even love for his brothers. Joseph got the Pharaoh to settle his whole family in Goshen (43:15- 47:31).  This is where Jacob died.

Before his death, Jacob did two things. He insisted that Joseph promise not to bury him in Egypt. Jacob wanted to be buried in his homeland, in the burial ground at Hebron with his ancestors (47:29-31). Jacob also gathered his sons around him and gave to each a blessing before he dies. He showed great insight into the personal qualities of each of his sons. His words were indeed prophetic, but he also spoke of traits that had already shown up in each of their lives. What each of the sons would become could already be seen in what they were. Remember Jacob’s name had been changed by God to “Israel” (32:28). So what would the twelve sons establish? (The 12 Tribes of Israel.)

Now that Jacob was dead, the brothers feared revenge from Joseph. However, Jacob knew that Joseph had forgiven his brothers but had made the request that Joseph forgive his brothers (v.17) for the brother’s benefit. To the brother’s surprise, Joseph not only forgave them but assured them, offering to care for them and their families. Joseph’s forgiveness was complete. He demonstrated how God graciously accepts us even though we don’t deserve it. With all that Joseph went through, it shows he had great faith in God. Verse 19 asks the question “Am I in the place of God?”. This meant not only that God’s purpose prohibited Joseph from taking revenge but also that Joseph had neither the power not the right to interfere with God’s workings. Because God forgives us even when we have ignored or rejected him or think we have the right to take matters into our own hands, we should graciously forgive others.






                           SIN IS A BIG DEAL

We have all heard “There are only 2 things certain in life- death and taxes.” We know that even Jesus died but was resurrected. We, as Christians, will follow Jesus’ example. There have been and will be other examples of those who did not or will not experience death. Let’s start with a quiz – Who are they?  (Enoch, Elijah and the generation of Christians who will  be alive when the Rapture occurs- 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) Scripture provides the only answer that explains how sin and death are universal. We realize Adam & Eve disobeyed God and brought sin and death on themselves and their off-springs- which are everyone else. (3 or 4 years ago I heard of a scientific study that found proof –through a new concept called “nuclear DNA”- that all mankind can be traced to Adam & Eve. So much for those who discount the first few chapters of Genesis! ) The origin of sin & death is important to understand for us as apologists, because for people to believe in Jesus they first need to understand that they need to be saved from sin. Remember, even though we are Christians, this simple understanding helps us to be a defender of the faith.

                              Read Genesis 3:1-6     Sin Defined

So there was actually a time in human history when there was no sin in the world- God’s plan. Today we are constantly “hit in the face” by sin & evil. So Adam & Eve’s rebellion (both not just Eve) against God started all of sin, death, and other fearful consequences on the whole human race. Why do you think God created the tree of knowledge of good & evil? (This established the concept of personal choice and that the universe was created with both material order- laws of the physical realm- and a moral order- laws of spiritual realm. So we must not live contrary to God’s established order.)  Adam & Eve were placed in a perfect environment with only one command to obey; Don’t eat the forbidden fruit! All it took was for Satan to cast doubt on God’s word and distort it. How did Eve try at first to correct Satan? (She said they were permitted to eat freely from all other trees – just not this one.) Satan’s answer was to lie. Eve was then faced with a choice. “For from within, out of the heart of man, comes evil thoughts”- Mark 7:21. In Proverbs 4:23 wisdom is provided in “Keep your heart with all vigilance; for from it flows the springs of life.” Eve did invite Adam to also eat of the fruit but Adam made his choice of his own free will. With disobedience to God’s word, comes sin. I believe a key point is that we always get in trouble when we dwell on what God forbids, rather than on the countless blessings & promises God has given us.

                    Read Genesis 3:16-19, 24    Sin’s Consequences

After the sin occurred, God asks “Where are you?”- Genesis 3:9. Adam’s reply in verse 10 was that he had become naked and hid. So this set up God’s declaration of punishment. First the serpent & then Adam and Eve! Verse 15 is a prophecy of what is to come- “He will strike your head and you will strike His heel.” The last part refers to Satan’s many attempts to defeat Christ but strikes to the heal will not destroy. The first part is God revealing His plan to defeat Satan with strikes to the head, which are deadly. So now God’s attention turns to Adam & Eve in the verses just read. Let’s talk about what the punishments were & what they mean. What are your thoughts? Sin has within itself the seeds of its consequential punishment. The curse on the serpent explains why it has no legs & why most have a real fear of snakes. There is a promise of hope out of this punishment- “He shall strike or bruise your head” says we have god’s assurance of ultimate triumph of good over evil. For the woman or the man, no curse was spoken here upon them. They had become victims of the consequences of sin they had chosen. So God was declaring they should reap the results of their participation in evil. The curse seems to have been placed on the serpent and the earth, which must be removed for us to dwell here on earth with God.

       In the Garden of Eden, life was like Heaven. Everything was perfect and had Adam & Eve obeyed God, they would have lived there forever. However, they no longer deserved “paradise” and God told them to leave. This was another part of the judgment on the first couple- separation from God. From this time mankind has no access to the tree of life until we get to Heaven. In Revelations John sees this tree – now in Heaven. Eternal life in a state of sin would mean forever trying to hide from God.  (It is hard to understand why so many fail to understand this). Thankfully God has provided a clear remedy for sin.

                             Read Romans 5:12-14   Everyone Sins

Paul did not finish the sentence of verse 12. Instead he deals with a problem suggested by his final clause of that verse. It could be asked: What about those who lived between Adam and Moses? What about the presence of sin in the world before the law was given? Paul says that sin was in the world before the law was given (the 10 Commandments). Many centuries passed from the time of Adam to Moses, and there were many sins during this period- but the law was not present until given to Moses. What are some thoughts about what this references?  (Difference between sin before & after the giving of the law is a subtle one: sin is not charged to one’s account when there is no law.) This means that no “record” is kept when no laws (per se) are broken, but God’s will was still violated before the law was given. For example, Cain’s murder of his brother Abel was a sin despite the absence of the 6th Commandment at this early time in history. The reality of sin became clearer when God gave the law through Moses, but the law did not provide a remedy for sin.

       Paul is telling us- all people are sinners and he says it goes back to sin’s origin. He states that sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and that sin & death spreads to all. Sin is the devastating truth about the human condition. As we know, since all people have sinned, all people need Jesus as Savior. Verse 14 brings up a concept that seems hard to understand. What do you think it is saying? (Adam & Christ are contrasted and compared. Paul says Adam is a symbol, a representative of Christ. Verses 15-19 draw 5 parallels between Adam & Christ.) Clearly Paul is stating that keeping the law does not bring salvation. Death is the result of Adam’s sin. Romans 5:19- “As by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners; so by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous”. We really don’t know how men were made sinners by Adam’s disobedience when he sinned (we think we have some idea but that remains a mystery). We know for sure that all are sinners because of it. However, we do know how we can be made righteous through Christ’s obedience. We can not “inherit” this salvation.  It must be due to our personal involvement in faith that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

Here is a book that shares the WORKS OF JESUS  Copy and Paste:




Of course, Satan is real. Satan is ever at work to do evil in the world and to encourage our involvement with sin. However, we can’t really blame our sin on Satan. We still have freedom of choice. Satan wants to make all sin very attractive so all humans will make the wrong choices. Also, our problems and bad situations are not caused by Satan but he tries to direct us toward those problems through his deceptions. Christians are wise to stay alert to the devil’s work, since he is ever scheming to pull us down. We still have to take responsibility for our decisions no matter where they lead us. The Bible presents a clear picture that Satan will not prevail in his evil. He is defeated by Christ and he is defeated in our lives when we walk with Christ. We will also discover truths to help us when we engage in spiritual warfare. The spiritual warfare we are likely to encounter on earth is nothing like what John tells us about in Revelation 12.

Read Revelation 12:7-9

The apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation while he was exited to the island of Patmos. Revelation 1:9-11 tells how John received the revelation from Jesus that he recorded for us. One of John’s purposes was to encourage believers who faced persecution (spiritual warfare) for their belief in Jesus. Here in these verses (7-9) we are told how Satan will be thrown to earth in the future. It describes the conflict between good and evil: then, now, and to come. One problem many encounter in reading Revelation is to forget it is describing the future. This event fulfills Daniel 12:1. Michael is a high-ranking angel. One of his responsibilities is to guard God’s community of believers.

Much more happened at Christ’s birth, death and resurrection than most people realize. A war between the forces of good and evil was under way. With Christ’s resurrection, Satan’s ultimate defeat was assured. Some believe that Satan’s fail to earth took place at Jesus’ resurrection or ascension and that the 1,260 days (3.5 years) is a symbolic way of referring to the time between Christ’s first and second comings. Others say that Satan’s defeat will occur in the middle of a literal seven years tribulation period, following the rapture of the church and preceding the second coming of Christ and the beginning of Christ’s 1,000 year reign. Whatever the case, we must remember that Christ is victorious- Satan has already been defeated because of Christ’s death on the cross (12:10-12).

The devil is not a symbol or legend; he is very real. Originally, Satan was an angel of God, but through his own pride, he became corrupt. The devil is God’s enemy, and he constantly tries to hinder God’s work, but he is limited by God’s power and can do only what he is permitted to do (JOB 1:6-2:8). Satan actually looks for people to attack (1 Peter 5:6-9). Satan likes to pursue believers who are vulnerable in their faith, who are spiritually weak, or who are isolated from other believers. This is a great case for church and Bible study with other believers.

Even though God permits the devil to do his work in this world, God is in control. And Jesus has complete power over Satan- he defeated Satan when He died and rose again for the sins of everyone. One day, Satan will be bound forever, never again to do his evil work (20:10). Again, we must be careful to understand the time involved in this passage or we merely compound the problem. According to the account, “Now war arose in heaven. Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven” (vv.7-8). The expulsion of Satan from heaven is in the future -not in the past. The Book of Job depicts Satan as traveling back and forth from earth to heaven (Job 1:6-12; 2;1-7). Michael is an archangel or chief angel. The apocryphal Book of Enoch names Michael as one of seven archangels. Ultimately, however, Christ, not Michael defeated Satan at the cross (Luke 10:18).

Read Revelation 12:10

God’s (future) victory over Satan and his followers is announced by “a loud voice in heaven”. This saying that John heard was “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God” (v. 10). As in Job, this passage indicates Satan’s access to God. But here his access is forever barred (9:1). He can no longer accuse people before God like Satan did about Job before God (Job 1:6). The term “Devil” means accuser or slanderer, whereas “Satan” means adversary or opponent.

Two overlapping issues deserve some attention here. First, what is the nature of God’s kingdom? Jesus primarily used parables to describe the kingdom. Many Jews hoped for a national, political kingdom. The Zealots were Jewish political revolutionaries who were willing to use violence to overthrow the Roman rulers. Jesus insisted God’s kingdom was not a political realm. He told Pontius Pilate that His kingdom was not like a human kingdom (John 18:36). The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom, established by God, through which people are delivered from the powers of sin, death, and Satan. It is God’s reign or rule over His people. The coming of the kingdom of God also involves the end of the rule of Stan and the judgment of the wicked.

Second, when did the kingdom of God arrive? Many Bible scholars suggest that the kingdom was inaugurated during Jesus’ earthly ministry, especially through His death and resurrection. The kingdom will be completed or perfected at Jesus’ return. The overall witness of Jesus’ ministry and the New Testament writers is to balance the already and the not yet of the kingdom (the kingdom of God has in one sense arrived, but in another sense, will not be fully consummated until Jesus’ second coming. Jesus’ disciples did not always comprehend what He said regarding the nature of His kingdom. For instance, they were still asking about the kingdom in Acts 1:6, right before Jesus’ ascension.

Read Revelation 12:11-12

According to biblical usage, there is only one devil- but many demons, who serve as the devil’s agents. Significantly, the heavenly voice continued to say, “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death” (v.11). The expression, “word of their testimony,” probably refers to the Christian confession, “Jesus is Lord”, in contrast with those who said, “Caesar is Lord.” During Domitian’s reign, to confess the lordship of Christ often meant death. Verse 12 consists of both joyfulness and warning, joyfulness for heaven and its occupants, warning for “earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” Thus, the already persecuted Christians were to prepare themselves for another assault by Satan. The brevity of Satan’s time may mean thousands of years to God’s calendar (2 Peter 3:8).

The critical blow to Satan came when the Lamb, Jesus Christ, shed His blood for our sins. The victory is won by sacrifice- Christ’s death is our place to pay the penalty for our sin. And the sacrifices we make because of our faith in Him. As we face the battle with Satan, we should not fear it or try to escape from it, but we should loyalty serve Christ, who alone brings victory (Romans 8:34-35).

The devil begins to step his persecution became he knows that “he has little time”. We are living in the last days, and Satan’s work has become more intense. Even though the devil is very powerful, as we can see by the condition of our world, he is always under God’s control. One of the reasons God allows Satan to work evil and bring temptation is so that those who pretend to be Christ’s followers will be weeded out from Christ’s true believers. What do we think that the Israelites of the Old Testament, who continued to worship idols, teaches us? Knowing that the last great confrontation with Jesus is near. Satan is desperately trying to recruit as great an enemy force as possible for this final battle. We see in Revelation- twice- that Satan did recruit a mass army- once just before Jesus’ second coming and then again when Satan was released at the end of the Millennium. Jesus tells John to record that in both cases the outcome will be the same- Satan loses, and with the last time it will be for keeps.

If you haven’t read Revelation chapters 20 and 21 recently, you need to! They tell us what we, as believers, will be doing as Satan is cast to “his fiery permanent end”. Our basis response to Satan is to follow Christ completely. While we are not likely to be required to die for our faith, but we need to be bold in our witness for Christ



Young-Ha Kim, a South Korean writer, recently wrote that in the twenty-first century it is not uncommon for Korean C.E.O.’s to use fortune tellers and shamans to do their business. They use shamans who observe the shape of one’s eyes, nose, and foreheads to determine whether they will be reliable business partners. They hire fortune tellers to see whether business will be good or bad based on one’s birthday. Why? Because they believe that the occult gives them direction and insight to make wise business decisions. This author is extremely skeptical as we may be also. Many people are skeptical about occults because they don’t understand them. However, the paranormal is very common place in many circles today that many don’t see it as dangerous. Some Christians, it is reported, even read their horoscopes or get their palms read because they consider them harmless. The Bible doesn’t present them as harmless, because they encourage us to seek guidance apart from God. In the Book of Deuteronomy, God warns His people against horrific occult practices because they lead to death rather than life. Truth is found in God, and He gives us all the direction we need.

Read Deuteronomy 18:9-11

The Scriptures in this study are tough to read but they tell of “detestable customs” about which God gives strong warnings for the Israelites, and all of us today, to avoid. Moses uses this “detestable customs” phrase which is translated from the Hebrew word “toeboth” that means something abominable before God. This section is part of the “leadership laws” found in chapters 17-18. These chapters tell of God’s design for the leaders of Israel, namely, the laws of prophets, priests, judges and kings. Deuteronomy 18:9-14 focuses on the call for faithful priestly and prophetic leadership among the people. These leaders were vital to Israel’s well-being. Faithful priests led God’s people to understand their relationship with God (through teaching, sacrifice, and prayer) while prophets were “covenant enforcers”. In fact, it was when these leaders failed that Israel descended down into sin. So, faithful leadership was vital to the spiritual health of the people. The quality of their lives depended upon it.

But the temptation to stray from God and His ways was always with Israel. Moses proclaimed that Israel would be tempted to stray to the occult. Some define the occult as tapping into supernatural or mystical power. But this definition of the occult can be misleading. We need to remember that the Christian faith is, at its root, tapping into supernatural power- Jesus. The Spirit of God indwells those who place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, enabling them to live well before the Lord. So, the Christian faith is about tapping  into something other than the natural. The apostle Paul, for example, consistently spoke of what it means for a Christian to a “spiritual” person (1Cor. 15; Gal.6:1; Eph. 6:12; Col. 1:9). We should never forget that the Christian faith is living according to the supernatural power of God. Deuteronomy 18 depicts the occult as a practice of engaging pagan or demonic supernatural power that leads to death. So, the difference is that the occult is from Satan, which is a very different power than the power of God.

Moses mentioned eight occultic, detestable practices in verses 10-11. “No one among you is to” Sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire. We have read that the Phoenicians engaged inhuman sacrifice in or around the time described in Deuteronomy. The Old Testament records horrific child sacrifices (2 Kings 3:37; 16:3; 23:10). For pagans, human sacrificing was a way of talking about burning a sacrifice to their gods. Leviticus 20:2-5 reveals such practice to be absolutely abhorrent. The pagans did this to manipulate a god to act on one’s behalf, which is detestable. “Practicing divination” has to do with rituals or acts that are meant to tell the future or give omens. The Old Testament describes a number of rituals that could qualify as divination. In Lev. 19:26 it uses this language to describe witchcraft. The idea behind divination is to discover the mind, plan or will of a pagan god. To “Tell fortunes” in Hebrew has to do with  making something visible which was formerly unclear. Another way to translate the Hebrew word “me’onen” is “sorcery”, which may have to do with consulting the dead to find out about the future or about one’s fortune. This is similar to a “medium” who can or tries to speak with ghosts or the deceased to discover direction or insight for life. King Saul did just this in the witch of Endor story in 1 Samuel 28:3.

The goal of each of these practices, and the others mentioned by Moses, was to manipulate a god, a dead person, or events to one’s own favor. These practices were taught, learned, and passed on to the next generation. The threat for the people of God was so serious that Moses instructed the people to avoid at all costs such manipulative practices. They brought pain, not comfort; they brought confusion, not direction; they brought death, not life. In short, the occult promises something that it cannot provide, at least not for long.

Read Deuteronomy 18:12-14

An interesting point about Moses’ instruction is that he assumed these pagan practices, at least sometimes, worked. Just as the Egyptian sorcerers performed the same miraculous actions of Moses for the first three (Ex. 7:1-8:7) and the witch of Endor really did call up Samuel from the dead (1 Sam. 28), these practices apparently were effective. The Lord does not or did not forbid these practices because they did not work. The Lord forbade these practices because they turned Israel away from their God. God required Israel to be blameless. The language here indicates that Israel was to be spotless and pure. This is the same terminology used to describe a sacrificial animal fit to be offered to God. As Israel was blameless they did not die; in their sacrifice to the Lord they found life. Instead of following the occult practices that lead to death, as we see from the nations being driven out of the land (v.14). God calls His people to be blameless and discover life in Him, in His land, under His rule.

In the world today, all too often we flirt with danger and evil. While working at P&G I went to New Orleans many times to work with the Folgers plant. This is a beautiful city, rich in heritage, sights and sounds. It is filled with some of the best human culture, but it is also filled with the worst of human culture. We went to Bourbon Street for some very good places to eat, but were told to leave the street by 9:15 PM. So, we left no later than 8:45 PM. I did not experience any of the occult shops or other horrific shops and practices- but we were told they existed. We cannot flirt with disaster or evil. We must understand the occult and the lies it tells. Only Jesus gives the life and guidance that keeps us from the occult that is falsely advertises as okay.

There are some lasting truths from Deuteronomy 18:12-14:

  1. Occult practices falsely proclaim that guidance and direction comes from consulting the dead rather than from open and honest conversation with God.
  2. Occult practices falsely proclaim that analyzing the heavens can combat fear of the future rather than trusting in God and His Word.
  3. Occult practices falsely proclaim that we can manipulate God to do what we want through human sacrifice or other ritual acts when God has already proclaimed His plan to us and with us.
  4. When we die to self and sin, we discover life in God.

Read Deuteronomy 18:15-18

The Lord called Israel to complete devotion. He is the God of life (Deut. 30:15-16) and so the direction, help, guidance, and life for which Israel longed appeared in God alone. For this reason, God demanded that His people avoid any kind of occult practice, and He also commanded His prophets to speak only His Words. Verses 15-18 seem to shift abruptly from a focus on priests and occult practices to describing a prophet like Moses whom God would raise up. However, it is not as much of a change of subject as one might think. Most likely, many in the audience of Moses’ teaching wondered what they would do after their great leader was dead and gone. Who would hear God on their behalf? Who would pray for them as Moses had done? Would it be Joshua or Caleb? Who would lead them? Who would speak words of comfort, direction, or rebuke like Moses had?

Moses clearly outlined in verses 9-14 whom they should not go to for direction or leadership: those who practice the occult. But then he states howt the Lord told him to describe whom they should go to in the future: a prophet like Moses (vv.15-18). God would speak to His people through His appointed prophet. Prophets were not unique to Israel. Israel’s prophets were “covenant enforcers”, meaning God wanted His prophets to speak only what He gave them to speak. Through the prophets, God would call His people to obedience and faithfulness to His covenant relationship with them. Prophets rebuked Israel’s sinfulness, and reminded Israel that death and destruction would come if the people continued to stray from the Lord’s commands- which we know they did. God’s covenant with Israel was meant for life of the people and the good of the nation (Deut. 30:15). The covenant was a true blessing!

The problem with the Israel prophets is that they, like the people, had a tendency to abandon both God and His covenant. They were often faithless and practiced some of the detestable customs of the nations. The Book of Jeremiah testifies of the faithfulness of the prophets (14:11-14; 27:15). The Book of Lamentations reveals the sins of the prophets (2:9,14; 4:13). So, God tells Moses to record that He would raise up a prophet that they could believe (v.18). The text reveals a number of characteristics about this coming prophet: 1) The prophet would be raised up in the future (v.15); 2) He would mediate between God and Israel and pray for the people (vv. 16-17); 3) He would come from “among your own brothers” or that he would be an Israelite (v. 18);; 4) God would put His own words in this prophet (v.18);  5) The prophet would communicate every word that God gives him (v.18); and 6) The prophets’ words would carry the binding authority of God (v. 19), because this prophet would speak only the words of God and speak in God’s name.

Our study of Deuteronomy 18 reminds us that if we desire to overcome the occult, we must learn to read and engage Scripture. As we read the Bible, God opens our eyes to see the evil that can so easily entangle us. The Spirit of God leads us to God’s truth, so we can understand what is right and put away what is wrong. Our trust in Jesus must be greater than our trust in other things we believe provide ultimate security or happiness in life. We are to have the help of the Holy Spirit every day. How’s that for putting the trinity together?



So, as was indicated in the previous article Satan is real!! Well, today we will look at the fact that demons are real. Both of these are scary topics that we normally would prefer to avoid. Many Christians would even prefer to hide from the reality of evil in the world. Hiding from the evil does not diminish the reality of evil. What we find to be a wiser approach is to be aware of who it is who seeks to do us harm. We stand by knowing who it is we are standing against. We need to stand against Satan and his demons when we stand in Christ, the one who defeated our greatest enemy. We had just studied when and how Jesus removed the many demons from one man who was being controlled by this evil spirit recorded in Mark 5. Jesus is greater than any spiritual power and He said He has given us all authority in Him to defeat the enemy.

Read Mark 9:17-22a

Peter, James and John had just experienced the “transfiguration” of Jesus when they accompanied Jesus to the top of the mountain. Jesus had promised His disciples that He would return in glory after His death, but Peter and James, and John got a preview of that glory in the transfiguration experience. When Jesus was transformed, the disciples literally saw Him in a new light of heavenly glory. Then Elijah and Moses reappeared just as mysteriously as they had left the earthly scene. Why these two? Perhaps it was because Moses commonly represented the Law, and Elijah stood for the Prophets. Into that spiritual summit there came the voice of God to claim Jesus as Son and to approve His ministry (1:9-11). For Jesus, the experience was further preparation for the cross (Luke 9:31) and reassurance of His divine Sonship.

With Elijah there and Moses, too, Peter must have thought the kingdom had come in its completeness. Whatever he thought, he wanted to build three booths or shelters. But a cloud enclosed Jesus, Elijah, and Moses. And God’s voice reaffirmed that Jesus was His Divine Son and told the disciples to listen to Him. Jesus had said for those with ears to hear (4:9,23; 8:18); now God reinforce that command. Every Christian has the promise of a future transfiguration. Interestingly enough, the Greek word for transfiguration (v.2) is applied in Romans 12:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18 to obedient Christians who let God transform their lives. ‘

Once more Jesus descended to the surroundings of frail mankind. The scene was    disheartening powerless disciples, arguing scribes, and a brokenhearted father with an epileptic son. The boy reportedly had an evil spirit (demon), and the symptoms came out in the form of epilepsy. That was the scene when Jesus came down from the glory of the transfiguration. The details of this even contrast messiahship and discipleship.

When Jesus, Peter, James, and John came down to join the other disciples, they were met heby the disciples, scribes, and a crowd that seemingly sensed that Jesus would settle an argument. Jesus’ question in verse 16 could have been directed to the disciples, the scribes, or the crowd as a whole. The question was: “What is all of this arguing about?” Before a disciple or a scribe could answer the question, a troubled father said, in effect: “I’m responsible. I brought my son to you for healing. You were one, so I appealed to your disciples who were supposed to have your authority to cast out demons and heal. But they were powerless. That’s when the argument began”. The argument may have been about how to cast out demons or who had the authority to cast out demons. The disciples’ failure was striking in view of the authority of Jesus had given them earlier (6:7, 13). While Jesus had been gone, the disciples were unable to heal, and they probably were unable to hold their own in a debate with the scribes; so, the situation was embarrassing for them. No wonder Jesus was dismayed with the lack of faith of the disciples matched by the unbelief of the crowds who then ordered the boy to be brought to Him (v.19).

The picture of the demon-possessed boy and his father was pathetic. From childhood, the boy had these symptoms unable to speak and hear (vv. 17-26), convulsed to the ground, foaming at the mouth, grinding his teeth, and rigid or exhausted. Whenever the seizures would come, the boy’s life was endangered by demon’s plan of plunging the boy into fire or water. (The image of God was distorted in this person, and Satan would have liked to destroy it altogether.)

Read Mark 9:22b-27

For years, the boy had required twenty-four-hour watch care. No wonder the father said, “But if you can do anything, have pity on us and help us” (v. 22). The implication was, “Your disciples are powerless; but if you have any power, help us!” Jesus immediately set the record straight. His power was not in question; the man’s lack of faith was the problem (v.23). The man had had some faith, or he would not have brought his boy to Jesus. But when Jesus pointed to faith as the missing quality, the father didn’t argue. He prayed, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (v.24). Jesus healed the boy once and for all and showed that salvation is for all of life as well as for death. The boy lay as peacefully after the convulsive spirit left him as if he were dead. But Jesus lifted him to life- almost as a preview of final death and resurrection.

Privately, the disciples wanted to know why they hadn’t been able to cast out the demon. Though Jesus had grown weary of their lack of faith (v.29; also see 4:40; 6:50.52; 8:17-21), they were still learners; and He was still their Master Teacher. Jesus explained that this kind of demon could be driven out only by prayers of faith (vv. 19. 29). The best ‘t manuscripts do not include fasting as a requirement for casting out demons. Jesus did not have to fast to cast out the demon, and He had exempted the disciples from any need to fast while He was with them (2:18-22).

So, why couldn’t the disciples cast out the evil spirit? In 6:13, we read that they cast out demons while on their mission to the villages. Perhaps they had special authority only for that trip, or perhaps their faith was faltering now. Mark tells this story to show that the battle with Satan is a difficult, ongoing struggle. Victory over sin and temptation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, not through our own efforts. This faith must be ongoing, renewed, and strengthened.

Jesus’ words do not mean that we can automatically obtain anything we want if we just think positively (there is a person on TV that seems to be saying this). Jesus meant that anything is possible if we believe, because nothing is too difficult for God. We cannot have everything we pray for as if by magic, but with faith, we can have everything we need to serve Him.

Read Mark 9:28-29

The attitude of trust and confidence that the Bible calls “belief or faith” (Hebrews 11:1, 6) is not something we can obtain without help. Faith is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). No matter how much faith e have, we never reach the point of being self-sufficient. Faith is not stored away like money in the bank. Growing in faith is a constant process of daily renewing our trust in Jesus. The disciples would often face difficult situations that could be resolved only through prayer. Prayer is the key that unlocks faith in our life. Effective prayer needs both the attitude of complete dependence and the action of asking. Prayer demonstrates our reliance on God as we humbly invite Him to fill us with faith and prayer. There is no substitute for prayer, especially in circumstances that that seem impossible.

This incident proved that only lack of faith and lack of prayer hinder man’s full deliverance. When faith is not what it should be, we need to pray for a better quality of faith. Further, a person with real faith will not set a limit on God’s power that is available in Jesus. So, the only real answer in facing any demon is to call on God for even more faith. Furthermore, we cannot live the Christian life well without a full, continuing commitment to Christ through faith and dependence upon Him alone.


Mental illness can be disguised as invisible wounds. Mental illness can take many forms, the most common is depression but there are other forms of emotional problems. When the problems that we or others face are physical concerns, we typically know how better to pray for and minister to those. However, it is much harder to assist with those with mental illness and this becomes a real struggle. We need not ignore, look the other way, or even worse, denigrate persons with mental and emotional struggles. We hear about so many of these emotional, mental struggles from returning service personnel. It becomes clear that God’s people are to care for those suffering from mental illness, whenever possible. The setting of this lesson is about Corinth where Paul had spent considerable time. Shortly after Paul left Corinth, the church fellowship fragmented and sinful behavior was rampant. There was a lot of concern that some emotional/mental problems were the cause of much of the problem.
Read 2 Corinthians 1:2-3
Paul had founded the Corinthian church during his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1-17), but his relationship with the Corinth believers was troubled. Pride, arrogance, egotism, and emotional concerns replaced the fruit of the Spirit among many believers. Paul was writing to correct the situation but his initial efforts were not very successful. So, 2 Corinthians was another attempt to help the healing and restoration of relationships. This Book of 2 Corinthians is actually the fourth letter that Paul wrote to Corinth. 1 Corinthians 5:9 reflected upon an earlier letter sent from Paul. That letter has been lost. Paul’s second letter is actually what we refer to as 1 Corinthians. Paul wrote 2 Corinthians around AD 55-56 from Macedonia. He was responding to opponents questioning His apostolic authority I Corinth but it included thoughts addressed to the region of Achaia, the Roman providence south of Macedonia.
In all his letters, Paul replaced the usual Greek word for “greeting” with a similar word meaning “grace”. It was a major theme for Paul and certainly one of the great words of the New Testament. Referring to all that God does to save sinners “grace” indicates unmerited favor. God gives this undeserved gift because of His love and His sovereign power. Paul was making yet another case that all can only receive salvation by faith. Paul used a common Jewish greeting- “peace”- that had deeper meaning in the New Testament. Originally it meant freedom from conflict both internal and external. In this sense, it is the opposite of the feeling Paul expressed in 2 Corinthians 7:5: “Our bodies had no rest but we were afflicted at every turn- fighting without and fear within”. In all of its full sense, it describes all the blessings of salvation.
This shows the rich meaning and intense feeling that characterizes 2 Corinthians. Paul was describing both comfort and suffering. The emphasis is on God and “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Paul wrote that God is “the Father of mercies”, which is the Hebrew way of saying merciful father, and as “the God of all comfort”, the one whose comfort meets every need. Mental illness often includes a desperate longing for peace. The church confronts mental illness in its commitment to the Great Commission. The gospel we can and should proclaim will give access to genuine peace both on earth and throughout eternity.
Read 2 Corinthians 1:4-5
How can some physical illness affect mental state? (Depression, irritability, stress, and not being independent.) Paul may have thought about Isaiah 40:1 here, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God”. Of course, many think that when God comforts us, our troubles should go away. But if that were always so, people would turn to God only out of desire to be relieved of pain and not out of love for Him. Sometimes, we really have to spot and think a bit deeper about some of the way God works. We must understand that being “comforted” can also man receiving strength, encouragement, and hope to deal with our troubles. The more we suffer the more comfort God gives us. If we feel overwhelmed, allow God to comfort us. Remember that every trial we endure will help us comfort other people who are suffering similar troubles. So what are some of the ways we can share Christ’s comfort with others? (Understanding, listening, love, do something for them, give them a gift, and to know where they stand with Christ.)
Suffering for Christ refers to those afflictions we experience as we serve Christ. At the same time, Christ suffers with His people, since they are united with Him. In Acts 9:4-5, Christ asked Paul why he was persecuting Him. This implies that Christ suffered with the early Christians when they were persecuted. This is the thought behind Paul’s expression in verse 5- “The sufferings of Christ, overflows to us”. So we are able to comfort others due to this overflow from Christ. In Colossians 1:24, Paul wrote of his sufferings completing what was lacking from Christ’s afflictions for the church. Scholars often refer to these as “the woes of the Messiah”, the suffering ordained by God for the church to endure before the second coming of Jesus. Another opinion is Paul had in mind the atoning suffering of Jesus on the behalf of believers. Both thoughts have value and both could be valid- since the church is the people. Regardless, through Christ, Paul’s comfort overflows and we, too, may overflow comfort to others. In Romans 8:18, Paul proclaims, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us”.
Read 2 Corinthians 1:6-7
Paul firmly believed that suffering is a part of ministry. This led him to point to his own suffering to provide an example for the Corinthians and to witness to God’s deliverance. Something terrible had happened to him in Asia (Roman providence around Ephesus). No details are given but the best theory is that Paul was referring to some serious physical threat. The Books of Acts (written by Luke) refers to many of Paul’s brushes with death, but this seems to be yet another one that Paul experienced. It may have been an attack on his ministry at Ephesus (Acts 19:21-20:1; 20:19; 1 Corinthians 15:32) or some later crisis. Clearly, his life was in danger. Such a crisis had a purpose for one who lived by faith. It led Paul to trust God, not himself. A man has no power in the face of death, God is the one “who raises the dead” (v.9). God delivered Paul from death that time and would again.
Suffering- especially trials and discomfort associated with the advancement of Christ’s kingdom- is God’s was of allowing Christians to become more like Jesus, to suffer for the gospel just as Jesus suffered for it (Philippians 1:29, 3:10). Peter agreed with Paul that Christians should rejoice when they suffer, for in their own suffering they will in some small was experience what it meant for Jesus to suffer for their sins (1 Peter 4:12-13). In addition to drawing people closer to Christ, suffering can also help them grow in their faith. In Romans, Paul noted that suffering produces perseverance, which in turn produces Christian character (Romans 5:3-4; James 1:3; 4:2; Peter 1:6; Revelations 2:2, 19). (For me only- there are times when I believe that I have enough “character”.) However, this passage highlights another benefit to suffering. It teaches the sufferer how to encourage others who are also suffering, even if the two incidents are not the same. It can even help others to identify some mental concerns and seek some help.

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