How are Old Testament people, prophets, and leaders saved?

The New Testament is filled with the details of the ONLY way to be saved and to be given eternal life. What is not real clear is how the people prior to the sacrifice on the cross by Jesus Christ could be given salvation. When the Bible tells the story of Adam and Eve there is no sin and all who lived would be given salvation. However, the sin was introduced by Satan in the form of a serpent. So all people were faced with the problem of how to be saved! Once the 10 Commandments were given to Moses by the Lord, it presented a method to be saved- but no human could ever keep all of these commandments. Even prior to the Commandments, there were many faithful followers of the Lord who would be saved and are in heaven at this time. So how did that happen?

The following is a list (in no particular order) of just 17 prominent, faithful servants of the Lord from the Old Testament and why God selected them, out of His mercy and grace, to be saved. Of course there are others that we could include, but this is given to share some of the situations to help us understand how and why they were “gifted” with salvation.

  1. ISAIAH- Isaiah chapter 6 verses 6-7. Isaiah had a lofty view of God and the sense of His greatness. Isaiah saw some mighty seraphim (angels) who were calling out to each other. Isaiah then said he was a sinful man and had filthy lips. Then one of the seraphim flew to Isaiah with a burning coal that had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. The seraphim touched Isaiah’s lips with the burning coal and said “Now your guilt is removed and your sins are forgiven”. Then in verses 8-9, God commissioned Isaiah and told him to go to be His spokesman.
  2. EZEKIEL- Ezekiel chapter 2 verses 1-3. Ezekiel had experienced a great vision of God’s truth (Chapter 1) and was preparing Ezekiel to help the exiles in Babylon. This vision caused Ezekiel to fall to the ground. Ezekiel heard a voice that said “I want to speak to you”. It is written that the Spirit came to Ezekiel and made him stand up, and said “Son of man, I am sending you to the nation of Israel, a rebellious nation. Then in Chapter 3 verses 1-4 The Lord commissioned Ezekiel by having Ezekiel eat a scroll- the instructions from God. Then Ezekiel was sent by God to the people of Israel to give them the messages. He truly was one of God’s chosen.
  3. JEREMIAH- Jeremiah chapter 1 verses 4-5. It says that the Lord gave Jeremiah the message that He knew Jeremiah before he was formed in his mother’s womb. “Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations”. Then in verse 9 it says “Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said: Look I have put my words in your mouth!” This is the same pattern that both Isaiah and Ezekiel had experienced.
  4. JOB- Job chapter 1 verse 8. Before God permitted Satan to test Job- but not to harm him, God said “have you noticed by servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is blameless- a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil” (NLT- other translations uses the word “upright”). Then is chapter 42, after Job prayed for “his friends” even though they were not kind to Job, the Lord restored Job’s fortunes. The Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning.
  5. NOAH- Genesis chapter 6 verses 8-9. The Lord said that Noah found favor with the Lord. “Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.” So God saved Noah and his family to begin populating the earth. In chapter 8 verse 21, God said “I would never again destroy all living things” (NLT).
  6. ABRAHAM- Genesis 12 verses 1-3. Abraham is told to leave his native country. God said He would bless Abraham, make him famous, and be a blessing to others. Then God concluded verse 3 with: “All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”

Genesis 15:1- God spoke to Abraham in a vision and dais: “Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great”. This is clearly a shield and salvation for Abram. Then in Genesis 17:1-8 the Lord completes His covenant with Abram and changes his name to Abraham.

  1. ISAAC- Genesis 26 verses 2-5. God blesses Isaac and tells him that Abraham’s covenant will be passed through Isaac’s descendants. This was after the situation when Abraham was to present Isaac as a sacrifice. But at the last second an angel of the Lord appeared to stop Abraham and to provide a lamb for the sacrifice. Truly Isaac was blessed by God to be one to help fulfill God’s covenant.
  2. JACOB- Genesis 32:24-28. Jacob wrestles with God and God changes is name to “Israel”. God blessed Jacob at that point in verse 29 and God’s covenant was passed on to Jacob.
  3. JOSEPH- Genesis 37 Joseph’s first dream was given to him by God in verse 5-10 to indicate that God was preparing Joseph for God’s plans. Joseph was spared for a long journey and mission. Then in Chapter 39:2-3 “The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master.” The Lord gave Joseph even more dreams to fulfill God’s purpose and plans to set the stage for Jacob’s move to Egypt that lead to Moses birth.
  4. MOSES- Exodus 3:1-9. This tells us of Moses encounter with God at the burning bush. Verses 12-15 tell us that God gave Moses his mission. Verse 12: God answered,” I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you.” However, God choose Moses at birth and in Moses’ voyage on the Nile to where Pharaoh’s daughter found him and cared for Moses. Exodus 4:2-12 God gave Moses all the powers he needed to complete God’s mission and said that He would be with Moses.
  5. ZECHARIAH- Zechariah chapter 1 verse 1-11. God calls Zechariah to repentance: “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies say: Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies” (verse 3). God was telling Zechariah not to be like his ancestors and was told not to be “Like Father, like son”- as the Lord had just said He was angry with Zechariah’s ancestors. Then God sent angels to patrol and to speak to Zechariah to help him to go God’s instructions.
  6. JOSHUA- Joshua chapter 1:1-9. “My servant Moses is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you (Joshua) to lead these people, the Israelites across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them” (verse 2). The Lord told Joshua many times, as had Moses, to be “strong and courageous”. So the Lord blessed Joshua, made him the leader for His people (Israelites) and protected Joshua so he could complete God’s plan.
  7. DAVID- 1 Samuel 16:1. Samuel was told by the Lord to “find a man named Jesse who lives there (Bethlehem), for II have selected one of his sons to be My king.” Then in verse 12 The Lord says “This is the one; anoint him (David)”. Verse 13 states that “the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on.” David had an unchangeable belief in the faithful and in the forgiving nature of God. David became “a man after God’s own heart”.
  8. SOLOMON- 1 Kings 3:3-14. “Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the decrees of his father, David” (verse 3). Then in verse 5, we are told that the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked what Solomon wanted and that the Lord would give it to Solomon. God gave Solomon what he asked for- wisdom. God also bestowed Solomon with fame, riches, and a long life. The Lord also blessed Solomon by allowing him to build the Lord’s Temple.
  9. HEZEKIAH- 2 Chronicles 29:11. Isaiah tells Hezekiah that “The Lord has chosen you to stand in His presence to minister to Him and to lead the people in worship and present offerings to Him” (NASV). This was told to Hezekiah because of all he had done to reopen the Temple. Destroy the idols, restore the Passover celebration and restore the sacrifices on the altar of the Lord. Hezekiah was a direct descendant of Solomon’s. These sacrifices were God’s appointed way of approaching Him as the Lord and restoring a right relationship with Him- and to lead to salvation. Other than David, Hezekiah may have been the greatest king of Israel, even with his unwise sharing of temple contents with an enemy. Certainly, Solomon may have been the second greatest, behind his father David, but Solomon’s downfall was very substantial.

Al of these great servants of God led faithful lives but all “Slept with their fathers”.

There have been two whom were “raptured” to heaven and never experienced their normal earthly death.

  1. ENOCH- Genesis 5:22-24. Enoch was the father of Methuselah. “Enoch lived in close fellowship with God for another 300 years … (v. 22). “Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him” (vv.23-24). Genesis does not tell us much about Enoch but the writer(s) of Hebrews chapter 11:5-6 adds this: “It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying- he disappeared, because Good took him. For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God. And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists, and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.” That certainly described Enoch!
  2. ELIJAH- 1 Kings 17-19; 21 and 2 Kings 1. Elijah’s single-minded commitment to God shocks and challenges us. He was sent to confront- not comfort. And Elijah spoke God’s words to a king who often rejected his message just because he brought it. Elijah chose to carry out his ministry for God alone and paid for that decision by experiencing isolation from others who were also faithful to God. However, God worked an overwhelming miracle through Elijah in defeating the prophets of Baal, which reads like a true con situation. 2 Kings 2:11 tells us that a chariot of fire appeared, drawn by horses of fire and drove between Elijah and Elisha, and carried Elijah in a whirlwind into heaven. This rapture appears to have a special meaning as the Bible records Elijah’s appearance twice after his going directly to heaven.

Matthew 17:3 indicated that Elijah appeared with Moses in the Transfiguration scene, both talking with Jesus. Then in Revelation 11:3-4, it tells of two prophets who were given by God power to be witnesses during the Tribulation to proclaim God message for 1,260 days. This seems to fulfill Malachi’s prophecy in Malachi 4:5-6, which named Elijah to come “before the great and dreadful day of the Lord’s arrives. His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to these children, and the hearts of children to their fathers”. This is exactly what these two Revelation prophets (Moses seems to be the other) did.

Again this only describes the way these prophets and leaders were “saved”. It does not directly speak of the other Old Testament people and how they may have been saved. However, the key characteristics of these prophets and leaders are their faithfulness, commitment, willingness to serve the Lord, love for God, and love for others- and willingness to give their life for the Lord in His service



We experience joy as we follow God’s Word. The theme of Psalm 119 is to delight in the Word of God. So when we hear the word “delight”, what comes to mind? How about joy and happiness? We know that the pursuit of happiness is one of the three aspects of the Declaration of Independence. The other two are life and liberty. Many people want the liberty to pursue happiness their way without any thought of God. There is even a company whose slogan is: “Have it your way”. Yet God created us and knows what will bring us contentment and joy. God has revealed that through His Word, and when we follow His Word, we experience a joy far beyond any human pursuit of happiness. God’s Word is not an academic exercise. It is a matter of applying God’s Word to our life, living by His commandments. We are entering the happiest, joist time of the year and as we think about the real reason for the season, it should be the most “delightful” time of our lives.

Read Psalm 119:1-3

Each verse in this longest psalm is built around a different word which is a synonym for the word of God. The word “law” occurs 25 times; “word” appears 23 times; “statutes” and “commandments” are used 22 times each; “surety, appointment and faithfulness” are used once. The basic theme of the psalm is the law of God. The psalm rhymes in the original Hebrew, and it is an acrostic.

The poet sang the praise of the law under all kinds of circumstances: persecution, false accusation, temptation, and intellectual doubt. Psalm 19:7-10 is restated in Psalm 119. The author is listed as anonymous but some suggest Ezra, who was the priest and poet after the Temple was rebuilt (Ezra 6:14-15). The Law is not a substitute for God, but a guide to doing His Will. It is not a burden to the psalmist but a joy. The Law enables the poet to live in communion with God. The “Statutes” represent the written Law of God. The “Word” is a dynamic communication of God’s Will for mankind. Sometimes the Law is also presented as “promise”. The point of the psalm is that obedience to God’s Law is the way to happiness. The poet asked divine help in understanding and keeping the Law (vv.1-8).

God’s blessing is achieved by a person’s lifestyle, which is described as blameless. Being “blameless” means to stand before God without having fault by living according to God’s instruction, as indicated in verse one!

Repetitive meditation on the beauty of God’s Word and how it helps us stay pure and grow in faith. Psalm 119 has 22 carefully constructed sections, each corresponding to a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet and each verse beginning with the letter of its section. Almost every verse mentions God’s Word. Such repetition was common in the Hebrew culture. People did not have personal copies of the Scripture to read as we do. So God’s people memorized His Word and passed it along orally. The structure of this psalm allowed for easy memorization. Remember, God’s Word, the Bible, is the only sure guide for living a pure life.

So what do you believe is the purpose of the Law? (The Law gives us instructions on what is sin. The law does not save us, but tells us what sin is so we can ask for God’s forgiveness. Remember, Abraham was a child of God and he had neither the Law nor Jesus – yet.)

Read Psalm 119: 4-6

The psalmist moves from talking about God’s Word to speaking directly to God in verse 4-6. The psalmist addressed God Himself, the One who reveals His precepts, which He requires that all people diligently keep. The author’s words reflect God’s authority as the creator to direct and instruct His creation (us) in the way that is best, both in the sense of what is according to His perfect character and will, and what is best for us. Doing this, His intention is for us to reach our highest potential. To do this requires obedience that acknowledges God’s authority, keeping His precepts diligently and confessing our shortcomings. The word “precepts” is used 21 times in Psalm 119 and refers to particular rules governing thinking or acting. God gives precepts to help us learn how to think and live in ways that reflect His character and bring honor to Him. The psalmist passionately desired to obey God’s Word.

In reading verse 5 and 6, it is hard at times to distinguish where the psalmist’s testimony ends and prayer begins. In verse 5 the words “if only” imply a desire that is not completely fulfilled. The psalmist’s desire was for his commitment to God and His Word to be singular and unshakable. The prayer of the psalmist was that he might keep God’s statutes. The Hebrew word “chog”, translated “statutes” or “decree” means what was clearly established, appointed or enacted such as a law, commandment, or decree. In relation to God, the term denotes binding commands or laws that God requires His people to obey.

The psalmist emphasized all God’s command. So many people (Christians and non-Christians alike) seem to think that God’s Word is like a cafeteria line where they can pick and choose what they want to follow. In using the word “all”, the psalmist rejected any such line of faulty reasoning. Are we smarter than the Creator- God? This points to the personal application we must make if God is truly our God. We will have no cause for being ashamed.

Read Psalm 119: 7-8

A sincere heart has the meaning of being straight or level as opposed to being twisted or crooked. It aligns in meaning with God’s “righteous judgments”. It means that one’s thought or actions are in accordance with God’s standards. God’s Word reflects the character of God, especially righteousness. The psalmist praise was done with a sincere heart. The psalmist’s praise was from his learning God’s judgments or ordinances to give the security that people need. God is faithful (always consistent); so we can trust that His judgements always provide us with the right way to live. We need to have no fear when we live according to God’s ways. The first step is salvation- repentance and placing faith in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins.

The result of praising God for His righteous judgements for the psalmist- and for all people today who are wise- was a promise that he would keep God’s statutes and a plea that God would not abandon him. Verse 8, “I will keep your statutes” is a promise, a vow, or a goal. To the extent we lean on God’s presence, we’ll obey His commands. This is true today as it has always been. We must lean on God’s presence and power to obey His commands. We sometimes fall short- despite of our best intentions due to our sinful nature. We need to thank God for sending Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins and through the power of His Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence we can live lives of obedience to His Word.



We are inspired by a heart-warming story when people help those who suffered a tragedy or have learned they have a devastating disease. When there is a weather disaster, people from all over the country step-up to help. The United States is well known around the world for its humanitarian aid to other countries, and the citizens give to a host of organization seeking to help various forms of suffering. A few years ago our church collected many items for northwest Africa. Also think about all of the love involved in the Operation Christmas Child. While motives for giving to these people and groups may vary, giving within the church is motivated by love. This is a love for Christ expressed in love for the person. Out of our common love for Jesus, the early church expressed love for each other. Loving people is a powerful expression of loving God.

Read Acts 2:41-42

Due to so many Jews accepting Peter’s message on Pentecost, this became one of the most important events in establishing the Christian message. Besides being the unstoppable message, it also was the unstoppable love that met the spiritual needs of those in attendance. The new converts joyfully spent much time together studying the apostles’ teaching. Who were those ordinary men to do the teaching? They had n theological degrees to display on their walls. These men had spent their young years studying the Scripture in synagogue schools. They did their “graduate work” under Jesus Himself. The experience of the resurrection, ascension, and Pentecost served as powerful catalysts for recall. The apostles were qualified to teach the new converts.

Real fellowship, always a hallmark of the church, expressed itself in two ways: breaking bread and prayers. Note in verse 42 that the believers’ devotion in prayer helped to bring the community together. Though the theology of the Lord’s Supper was far from formed, there is little doubt that this community from the first days of its existence remembered the Lord’s sacrifice through the reenactment of the Last Supper. While many churches exercise an exclusive protection of the Lord’s Supper, others let individual worshippers make their own decision whether to participate. Each person can submit to the judgment of God as to his or her own worthiness for this celebration.

As has been noted previously, about 3,000 people became new believers when Peter preached the Good News about Christ. These Christians were united with the other believers, taught by the apostles, and included in the prayer meetings and fellowship. New believers in Christ need to be in groups, where they can learn God’s Word, pray and mature in the faith. If we had just begun a relationship with Christ, we would need to seek out other believers for fellowship, prayer and teaching. Wait a minute- that is true for all of us no matter when we started our relationship with Jesus. This is the way to grow.

Read Acts 2:43-45

The new community was further flavored by a healthy fear. Indications are that all manner of marvelous deeds were done in their midst. Some of these deeds had to at least confuse these new believers- but many most of them had felt some true fear. Regardless, a contagious commonality sprang up among them. They sold what they had and shared everything together. Through the centuries we who cling to things too much have tried to put that communalism in “perspective”. Many people probably have missed some great adventures in living while unnecessarily weighing ourselves down with a frantic pursuit of things. History does have its examples of communities that have lived selflessly with varying degrees of success, but most of us remain suspicious of such extreme expressions of church. One spin-off of that primitive practice has been an endless series of grand philanthropic acts. If we have been unwilling to sell all, we have at least been willing to sell some for the benefits of others. We can admit that we have not gone far enough, but the world is infinitely better off because of the distance we have gone.

Recognizing the other believers as brothers and sisters in the family of God, the Christians in Jerusalem shared their things so that all could benefit from God’s gifts. It is tempting- especially for those who have material wealth – to cut ourselves off from one another, concerning ourselves with our interests and enjoying only our own little piece of the world. But as part of God’s spiritual family, it is our responsibility to help one another in every way possible. God’s family works best when its members work together. Unstoppable love meets physical needs: Unity, Selfless ness, and Mutual Care.

Read Acts 2:46-47

These verses show how social gatherings and meetings creates opportunities to share the gospel. A summary of the flavor of the first weeks of the church is given in verse 46. They frequented the Temple (they had no other place of worship to which they could go; nor would it occurred to them to find another place); they joyfully fellowshipped together in an attitude of Praise and celebration. And for those first few months, before the radical nature of the demands of the new community began to emerge, the church found favor with all the people. Every day enthusiastic followers were added to their number.

Never again would life be so blissful for the church. They were honestly fulfilling the best of who they perceived themselves to be, and their world was enthusiastic. As time moved along, however, their popularity dramatically and painfully waned. Acceptance gave way to suspicion, which in turn gave way to ostracism and overt persecution.

A common misconception about the first Christians (who were Jews) was that they rejected the Jewish religion. But those believers saw Jesus’ message and resurrection as the fulfillment of everything they knew and believed from the Old Testament. The Jewish believers at first did not separate themselves from the rest of the Jewish community. They still went to the Temple and synagogues for worship and instruction in the Scriptures. But their belief in Jesus created great friction with Jews who didn’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Thus, believing Jews were force to meet in private homes for what we now call the Lord’s Supper, prayer, and teaching about Jesus. By the end of the first century, many of these Jewish believers were excommunicated from their synagogue.

A healthy Christian community attracts people to Christ. The Jerusalem church’s zeal for worship and brotherly love was contagious. A healthy, loving church will grow in numbers. So we all need to do what we can to make our church a place that will attract others to Christ.

This unstoppable love was real and as a result, “the Lord added these new believers to the community of faith.”




The one great commitment requires a decision. We make decisions constantly. Our quarterly (not sure it is in your copy) gives the results of a Columbia researcher’s survey that estimates we make about 70 decisions every day. That is around 25,500 decisions per year and about 1,788,500 in a 70 year lifetime. Many of these decisions require little thought and most decisions require little long-term commitment. Some of our decisions are life changing- even eternal. The greatest decision we will ever make centers on what we will do with Jesus Christ. Knowledge about Jesus is not enough. The need for salvation is answered in Jesus, but each person must decide whether we will commit to that truth and trust Jesus. As we move to Romans chapter 10, Paul continues to speak of his love of Jews, a continuation of chapter 9, even though Paul is particularly known for his writings to support the Gentiles.

Read Romans 10:1-3

Paul opens chapter 10 expressing his concern about the situation of unbelieving Jews (v.1). Paul is also emphasizing the need to make a decision about Jesus as personal Lord and Savior for his readers. As in Romans 9:1-5, Paul expressed again his concern for the salvation of his people. He bore witness to the Jews’ zeal for God but lamented that it was not enlightened (v.2). Ignorant of the right standing with God made possible through faith, they sought to establish their own right standing with God by keeping the law (v.3). They failed to recognize that Christ put an end to the law as a way of achieving righteousness for everyone who believes (v. 4; 3:21; Gal. 3:19 to 4:7).

So what happens to the Jewish people who believe in God but not in Christ? Since they believe in the same God won’t they be saved? If that were true, Paul would not have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to teach them about Christ. Because Jesus is the most complete revelation of God, we cannot fully know God apart from Christ. Because God appointed Jesus to bring God and people together, we cannot come to God by another way. The Jews, like everyone else, must find salvation through Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Like Paul, we should pray that all Jews might be saved and lovingly share the Good News with them.

Rather than living by faith in God, Jews established customs and traditions (in addition to God’s laws) to try to make themselves acceptable in God’s sight. But human effort, no matter how sincere, can never substitute for the righteousness God offers us by faith. The only way to earn salvation is to be perfect- and that is impossible. We can only hold our empty hands and receive salvation as a gift.

How do people today try to establish their own righteousness?

Read Romans 8b-10

Paul did not deny that Old Testament law had its rightful place in God’s relationship to the Jews in the past. He even called the law “holy and just and good” (7:12). But God never intended for fulfilling the law to be the path of salvation and eternal life.

An alternate view of Romans 10:4 claim that Christ is the “end” of the law in the sense of its “aim” rather than its “termination”. Thus the law has its meaning and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. There is a strange reference to bringing Christ down from heaven and up from the dead in verses 6-7. The background for this passage is Deuteronomy 30:11-14, where Moses was speaking to the people about keeping God’s commandments. Yet Paul’s words in verse 7 differ from all known forms of Deuteronomy 30:13. Probably Paul meant to assert that Christ already had achieved all that was necessary for our salvation. Nothing remained now but to confess Him as Lord and to receive salvation through Him by faith (vv.8-9). Some scholars believe that verses 8-9 contain and early confession of faith.

However, Paul adapts Moses’ farewell challenge from Deuteronomy 30:11-14 to apply to Christ. Christ has provided our salvation through His incarnation (God in human form) and resurrection. God’s salvation is right in front of us. He will come to us wherever we are. All we need to do is to respond and accept His gift of salvation. Have you ever asked, “How do I become a Christian? These verses give us the beautiful answer: Salvation is as close as our own lips and heart. People think it must be a complicated process, but it is not. Many don’t understand how simple it is and believe they will never qualify or maybe they just don’t understand.  If we believe in our heart and say with our mouth that Christ is the risen Lord, we will be saved. This is the One Great Commitment.

Confessing and believing are not a form of “easy believism”- far from it. “Easy believism” teaches grace without repentance, salvation without repentance, salvation without commitment. Many want Jesus to save them from hell, but don’t want to live for Him. But we cannot accept Jesus as our Savior without embracing Him as Lord. Submitting to Christ’s lordship is essential for salvation. When we confess Christ as Lord, we are essentially saying, “Jesus, you alone are sovereign. You alone have all the power. You alone are my Master. Therefore my life is not mine- it’s yours.”

Read Romans 10:11-13

In verse 11, Paul quoted Isaiah 28:16. Isaiah had said “the one who believes will be unshakable”, but Paul, perhaps using the Greek translation of Isaiah, said the believer “will not be put to shame”.

As there is not distinction between Jew and Gentile in sinfulness (3:22-23), so there is none between them in salvation (v. 12; 3:29-30). The paragraph end with the quotation of Joel 2:32, declaring the good news that “everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved (v.13). Simon Peter had quoted the same verse on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit had empowered the disciples in Jerusalem (Acts 2:21). In the context of Joel’s prophecy the Lord would have referred to God the Father. Paul, however, meant a sinner should call on the name of Jesus as “Lord” (Rom. 10:9). Bible scholars note that Paul clearly was thinking of Jesus as divine here.

To call on the name of Jesus means to make a total commitment to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Accepting Jesus is not, to use an old phrase, fire insurance. Jesus wants committed disciples, not mere admirers or “fans” in the popular sense. In the first century some people apparently thought of the name of Jesus as the key to magical power. Many never understood the miracles of Jesus as from God –and not magic. When some exorcists tried to use the name Jesus without a sincere commitment to Him, the evil spirit mocked them (Acts 19:13-16).

In telling others about Christ, an effective witness must include more than being a good example. Eventually, we will have to explain the content, the “what” and “how” of the gospel. Modeling the Christian life is important, but we will need to connect the mind of the unbeliever and the message of the gospel. There should never be a debate between those who favor life-style evangelism (one’ living proclaims the gospel) and confrontational evangelism (declaring the message). Both should be used together in promoting the gospel.

Paul’s emphasis on “confess with your mouth” (Rom. 10:9) might refer to such verbal sharing with those who need to know the gospel, so they can make that great commitment.


Importance of Women in the Bible

Genesis 1: 27  “So God created human beings in His own image! In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.”  This says male and female were created equal! Psalms say that women are noble!

Romans 16:1-2 “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant in the church, in Cenchrea. Welcome her to the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God’s people. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and especially to me.” (Paul)  Begin our look at the woman in the Bible who had important roles.

Jesus lifted women up from degradation and servitude to the joy of fellowship and service. Jesus had women travel with Him and the Disciples Luke 8:12, showing all people are equal. The women used their own money to help support Jesus’ ministry.

I have assembled a long list of woman in the Bible who God used in important roles. Because of time I will not go into any story in detail- only point the woman, the scripture and a key thought of why they were important to God’s plan. When you hear the list together I believe you will be surprised, as I was, how many and their key role.


  1. Deborah Judges 4:5- A judge, prophetess and military leader, chosen by God to lead Israel and gave orders from God to Barak, even went with Barak to battle against Sisera.
  2. Mother of Samson Judges 13:23 –Faith in her encounter with an angel and lead to birth of Samson.
  3. Naomi Ruth 1:2, 3:1 –Introduces Ruth to Boaz, Mother-in-law of Ruth & strong character that developed plan for Ruth.
  4. Ruth Ruth 1:4, 14-22, Chapters 2-4 –Remained loyal to Naomi and went to Moab with her. Became mother of Obed, who was father of Jesse and Grandfather of David.
  5. Hannah Samuel 1:9-18, 24-28 –Prayed to God & faith led to Samuel, who she dedicated to God. Samuel became a great priest for Saul and to David.
  6. Widow of Zarephath 1 Kings 17:8-24 –Fed Elijah during famine that led to Elijah praying to God for her and then brought her son back to life.
  7. Shunenmite 2 Kings 4:8-28 –Gave hospitality to Elijah by building a room for Elijah.
  8. Queen Vashti Esther 1:11-12 – Refused to appear at king Xerxes request that led to Esther becoming Queen.
  9. Esther Esther 4:15-17 Risked her life to save the Jews from a plot by Haman
  10.  Rahab Joshua 2:8-13, Hebrews 11:31 –Saves Joshua’s two spies by hiding them when they went to investigate Jericho.
  11. Rachel Genesis 30:22-24 –Took matters into her own hands in a “contest” for children with sister Leah. Led to god answering her prayer and gave her Joseph.
  12. Rebekah Gen24:18-21 –Went beyond what was expected with her servant spirit by giving water to Eliezer and his camels. Then set up Issac to get Jacob the blessing from Issac.
  13. Mary Luke 1:26-38 –Strong character and devoted to raising Jesus.
  14. Elisabeth Luke 1:6, 41-45 Mother of John the Baptist, selected by God because of her faith.
  15. Anna Luke 2:37 Prophet who talked to all about Jesus. Was in Temple when Simeon met Mary & Joseph.
  16. The Widow Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:2-4 –Gave two coins into the treasury, praised by Jesus for her sacrifice.
  17. Mary & Martha Mark 14:3-9, Luke 10:42, John 11:5 –Mary anoints Jesus with perfume as an act of worship. Martha prepared a big dinner and served Jesus and Disciples. Faith by both brought Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead.
  18. Mary Magdalene Mark 16:1, Luke 8;2, John 20:1, 2:11-16 – Maybe the woman who did more for Jesus than any other woman. One of 3 women who purchase spices for Jesus’ body. Was first to see Jesus after His resurrection. Jesus had cast out 7 demons from her. She and other women traveled with Jesus and Disciples and provided financing.
  19. Pilate’s Wife Matthew 27:19 –Told Pilate to leave Jesus alone as He was innocent.
  20. Dorcus Acts 9:36 –Also called Tabitha, made clothes for the poor and the disciples. True believer and always doing things for the poor.
  21. Lydia Acts 16:4 – Merchant of expensive purple (royal material), Became a believer and hosted Paul and Silas in her home. First convert at Philippi and provided great service to Jesus.
  22. Pricilla Acts 18:26 –Helped Paul in his ministry and witnessed for Jesus.
  23.  Pheobe Romans 16:6 – Mentioned above- a real leader.
  24. Lois & Eunice 2 Timothy 1:5 –Mother and grandmother of Timothy, Had strong faith and shared it often without fear.
  25. Philippians Women Philippians 4:3 –Two women at Philippians church who were helping Paul tell others the Good News- despite their dispute.

There were other women who played a significant role in the Bible- but these listed were probably the ones who stood out.






The Bible has long been the “best-selling book” in the world, and especially here in our country. However, the buying of the book and affirming its value does not mean people even read it –let alone build their lives on it…or find it reliable. Certainly, many want to dismiss it and Christianity saying they are based on a flawed document and principles. But the Bible continually shows us it trustworthiness and reliability, and we can trust it in all matters. We recently studied Psalms 139 and 19. Now we turn to Psalm 119, the longest psalm (and the longest chapter in the Bible), and it is also longer than 30 entire books in the Bible. It is comprised of 22 stanzas, and each stanza begins with a successive letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The acrostic psalm lifts up the wonders and perfections of God’s Word. But more importantly, Psalm 119 points us to the benefits we receive as we rely on the truths of Scripture. The theme of this lesson is-“The only safe place to build our lives in on God’s Word”.

Read Psalm 119:137-144

This psalm is a love poem written about the Law of God. It poetically brings forth the virtues and practical value of the Word of God. Most believe this poem was written by Ezra, in a time of persecution, perhaps during a period when idol worshippers were in charge, and the worshippers of Yahweh were on the run (vv. 8, 139, 141, 143, 153, and 154). Even in the midst of this extreme trials and hardship, the psalmist praises the Law of God “as his most precious treasure (vv. 72, 127), as his source of joy and delight (vv. 16, 24, 47, and 70), as the goal of his knowledge and standard of conduct in his life (vv. 12, 26, 64, and 68), and as the object of his love (v. 47). This breakdown by verses helps us to know that the psalmist had a love affair with the Word of God- and helps us to more fully understand Psalm 119.

Though the Bible was once regarded as a reliable source of principles for life and even government, it is no longer. What are some reasons people question the reliability of the Bible? (They don’t know what the Bible says. They don’t believe it. It has fairy tails or they are just stories.)How does knowing these reasons help us understand the Bible? (Helps our belief, helps us to talk with others about the Bible.) People often say, “You can’t trust the Bible. After all, it has been changed so many times over the years. And it is disproved by science.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Of all the ancient manuscripts considered trustworthy by scholars, the Bible is the best attested and most reliable work in existence today. And where history and the Bible seemed to disagree, further archaeological study has repeatedly vindicated the Bible. Many points that science uses to discredit the Bible have been shown false, and more will come as God chooses to reveal them. (Check the comments of the recent Ham vs. Nye debate.) Where science and the Bible seem in conflict, there is either a misunderstanding of the Bible, or science still has more to learn.

However, one need not prove the Bible, for the Bible proves itself. Biblical principles guided our Founding Fathers as they created the greatest (not perfect) form of government in history. In addition, lives built upon the principles in Scripture are like sturdy steel ships that safely sail the stormy seas of life. The psalmist answers any thought that there is no absolute standard of right or wrong with – you are righteous, Lord. Righteous simply means morally right, correct, or proper. Everything God does is by the Book, for He wrote the Book. One of the unifying themes of the Bible is that God is the standard of rightness in the universe. His judgments and decrees are altogether trustworthy. So the Bible is something to be obeyed. Obeying the law, as presented by the Bible, establishes fellowship with the living God. It also provides light and guidance. The psalms’ meaning is clearly apparent to those who read it thoroughly.

Read Psalm 119:1-8

In 2 Timothy 3:16, we are told- “All Scripture is inspired by God”. The Scripture is the product of God’s Holy Spirit working through people and is profitable. The Scriptures are God’s Word, in God’s Word we hear God’s voice, and God’s voice brings healing. Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His Word and healed them; He rescued them from the Pit”. One key point of this psalm is that obedience to God’s law is the way to happiness. The poet asked divine help in understanding and keeping the law (vv.1-8). God’s Word in one’s heart brings joy and protects the believer from sin (vv. 9-16).

The law is not a substitute for God but a guide to doing His Will. It is not a burden to the psalmist but a joy. The “statues” represent the written law of God. The “word” is a dynamic communication of God’s Will for mankind. Sometimes the law is also presented as “promise”. Each verse in Psalm 119 is built around a different word which is a synonym for the Word of God. The word “law” occurs 25 times; “word” appears 23 times; “statues” and “commandments are used 22 times; and “surety”, “appointment” and “faithfulness” are used once. So the basis theme of the psalm is the law of God. The psalm sang the praise of the law under all kinds of circumstances, persecution, false accusation, temptation and intellectual doubt. The psalmist is writing a repetitive meditation on the beauty of God’s Word and how it helps us stay pure and grow in faith with a sincere heart. Such repetition of the use of God’s Word was common in the Hebrew culture. People did not have personal copies of the Scriptures, so God’s people memorized His Word and passed it along daily. The structure of this psalm allowed for easy memorization.

As believers, we need to daily “seek Him with all our heat”. We might start with Matthew 5-7, which reveals how believers behave in God’s kingdom.  Then go to Romans 6-8 that examines our sin problem and how to overcome it. Next turn to Ephesians 4-6 and learn how to have godly relationships in the church, in the home, and at work, and how to put on an all-important armor of God that is needed to defeat the devil. Verse 2 tells us that “Happy are those” who daily seek God in the pages of His Word. Building our lives upon God’s Word certainly works, for it will lead us to happiness like a laser targeting system will lead a missile to its target. God’s Word truly is the only safe place to build our lives, and it is true for everyone! In conclusion, we can trust the Bible because of all the promises of the Bible that has already been fulfilled and all of the witnesses of the people that have lived before us. So it is reliable and trustworthy but also the lives of those –like us- who follow its decrees, precepts, and instructions are witness that we can trust the Bible.


