Read 1 Kings 19: 9-12

Moses is not the only great Bible figure who met God on Mount Sinai. Hundreds of years later, Elijah met God there too. Although they ministered in different places and during different times in Israel’s history, both Moses and Elijah played prominent roles in shepherding the flock of God’s people. Some of their experiences with God are remarkably similar.

For example: both Moses and Elijah were called prophets who served God passionately as they fulfilled their respective roles in His plan for redeeming the world. Both confronted God’s people for chasing after pagan gods and led his people back to faithfulness. They both went to the same mountain (perhaps even the same cave?) where God showed Himself to these faithful men who loved and lived the biblical text. Both men boldly declared their desires to God, who rewarded them by allowing them to experience Him in extraordinarily intimate ways. There, one-on-one with God on His holy mountain, but mercifully sheltered from full exposure to His mighty presence, they witnessed His awesome power. More importantly, they experienced His gentleness, mercy, and love- and that transformed their lives. Even their death experiences shared a strange, holy quality that is unlike that of any other Bible characters.

The story and testimony of these great men of God did not come to an end, even in death. In a sense they “returned” together- on another mountain, in another place, at another time, to herald a third great prophetic figure of the Bible whose life in some ways echoed their own. In an event known by Christians as the transfiguration, Jesus was mysteriously transformed by divine power in the company of Moses and Elijah, sending a powerful message that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. This central story in the Christian text is deeply rooted in the stories of Moses and Elijah and was anticipated in the Jewish traditions of the time.

The gentleness, mercy, and love that Jesus demonstrated throughout His earthly life reaffirmed the character of God- the same aspects of His character that He revealed to Moses and Elijah on Mount Sinai. As Moses and Elijah- and so many people since ancient times- discovered, God’s awesome power makes an impact, but God’s gentleness, mercy, an love are what transforms people. Jesus, the Son of God., whose life echoed the intimate whisper heard by Moses and Elijah, ultimately set the example we should follow as we step into our role in fulfilling God’s plan for redeeming the world.  So let’s explore the lives of Moses and Elijah as they came to the mountain of God. Through them we will not only recognize the Creator of the universe as He revealed Himself to and through them, but we will better understand Jesus the Messiah and the ways by which He revealed the very nature of God through His own ministry and person.

.What it means to be a servant of God. A life in God’s hands!!!!

The life story of Moses shows God’s purposeful preparation of the man who would be “ as God to Pharaoh” and bring God’s people out of bondage in Egypt. Moses would be God’s partner in shaping God’s people into His “treasured possession”, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Ex. 19:5-6). He would be God’s instrument in providing the Torah, the document of Cod’s covenant with His people. And he would become the paradigm for all godly prophets to follow.

Even during the dark times for the Hebrew people as the days of brutal enslavement by the Egyptians, God was at work in the lives and hearts of His people. Although some of His chosen people turned away from Him to worship Egyptian gods, others remained faithful to the God of their ancestors. Consider, for example, Moses’ parents and grandparents. Moses’ mother was named Jochebed, which in Hebrew means “praise the Lord”. His father was named Amram, which means “exalted nation or people”. What kind of faith would cause slaves to give their children names that expressed such bold optimism and hope? Further, what kind of parents would defy the Pharaoh in order to preserve the life of their newborn son? When hiding baby Moses at home was no longer possible, his mother chose a place where Moses would be found and likely cared for. The Nile River is frequently crocodile infested, and a princess would not bathe in public, so it seems that Jochebed put the basket with Moses inside was hidden in the reeds of a channel close to the palace. It is likely that Moses’ sister was watching over him and expected someone to find him. Miriam, Moses’ sister, asked the princess if she could find a nurse for the child and the nurse turned out to be Moses’ own mother.  Certainly Jochebed took every opportunity to nurture Moses’ mind and character, and teach him the traditions of his ancestors. The princess gave Moses the best education and training that Egypt could offer.

But why did this all fit together? Surely it was part of God’s plan and He worked it out.

Isn’t it amazing to see the powerful way in which God works to raise up partners in His plan to reclaim His world! So this should help us all to understand what it means for a person’s life to be in God’s hands. It tells us everything about God’s commitment to train and prepare His people to be partners in His plan.

Elijah, like Moses, demonstrated great passion for God and expanded great physical and spiritual effort in order to lead God’s people into life of faithful obedience to God. Like Moses, Elijah climbed mountains, confronted kings, and crossed deserts. He saw God work in mighty ways and sought to know God as one would an intimate friend. Elijah remains the picture of an impassioned servant of God- the model of a person who served God wholeheartedly. By studying his life and discovering the depth of his commitments, perhaps we will cultivate a deeper passion for obeying and experiencing God in our lives. One of the qualities that demonstrated Elijah’s fire for the Lord was his bold obedience to do whatever God commanded. When God gave Elijah a message to tell the king what was taking place in Israel, Elijah did not hesitate (1 Kings 16:29-33; 17:1-3). Then the confrontation Elijah arranged between himself (as the prophet of the Lord) and the prophets of Baal was no easy task, and it was done with great personal risk to Elijah.

No one knows exactly where the 1 Kings 18 events occurred on Mount Carmel, but the distance would be at least two miles and more than a thousand-foot climb. Elijah then went to Mount Horeb, which if it is the traditional Mount Sinai, is more than 190 miles away, and it could have been much further. Elijah is utterly exhausted after the events on Mount Carmel and Jezebel’s threat on his life (1 Kings 19:1-4. Even so, he walked nearly two hundred additional miles before reaching Mount Horeb, where God met him (1 Kings 19:9-18). Because Elijah passionately and obediently served Go, God accomplished mush through him. When Elijah’s days on earth were fulfilled, God designated Elisha to succeed him. Remember Elisha asked for a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit even though Elijah had warned him that he was asking for a difficult thing (2 Kings 2:9-12). But James reminds us that “Elijah was a man just like us” (James 5:17-18). This tells us that God arranges all of this!

Faith Lesson

No figure in the Hebrew Bible is more central than Moses, who is called “the servant of the Lord”.  In the Christian testament, Moses is mentioned more often than any other Hebrew Bible figure, and these references emphasize parallels between the work of Moses and Jesus. Moses prefigured, prophesied, and prepared for the Messiah’s coming. As servants of the Lord, both Moses and Elijah had a deep faith in God. They encountered opposition and wrestled with the burden of God’s will, yet they obediently submitted to Him and asked for God’s mercy when others disobeyed God’s commands.


Read Joshua 22:5—“Be careful to keep the commandments and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to obey His commands, to hold fast to Him and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul”.

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From the late years of the Roman Republic to the end of the Roman Empire, Roman statesman and philosophers lamented the rampant debauchery and moral degradation of the Roman people. Unlike other empires that preceded them, Rome did not fall so much through conquest by another group; it collapsed from within largely because of its own wickedness. Stated bluntly, the Romans to a great extent destroyed their own empire by their own unchecked depravity. The religious paganism of ancient Rome lent itself to the decadent behavior for which Romans are now so well known. But it should have been different in Israel and Judah. For centuries God sent prophets as His own representatives to rebuke His people for their sinfulness. One prophet after another called the people back to covenant faithfulness, but usually the prophets were ignored. Jeremiah rebuked Judah for some of the sins their pagan neighbors committed. Unlike the pagan people who later lived in the Roman Empire, Judah knew exactly what to do to break the cycle of sin and corruption- return to God. They had an obligation and a privilege to live the way God revealed in the Sinai covenant. This lesson considers God’s love for rebellious people and various responses people have when confronted with the truth of God’s word about how they live. So this is one of the real reasons we study the Old Testament and keep hearing how Israel keeps ignoring God. It should tell us today that God loves us and is patient with us, but He wants us to respond to Him and not keep ignoring Him.

Read Jeremiah 8:4-7 See the Problem

These focal passages are part of the larger section (7:1-10:25) that recounts the prophet’s temple sermon and other messages about God’s coming judgment on Judah. These verses leading up to 8:4 describe various sins Judah had committed and God’s account of those sins. Judah’s confidence and security were misguided, based on the temple being the Lord’s dwelling place. But God declared He would destroy the holy city and the temple, just as He had Shiloh where He first dwelled among them in the land of Canaan. Further, Judah had broken numerous commandments. This resulted in God’s command to Jeremiah not to pray for them. His judgment would fall on them without fail (7:1-20). Verse 4 begins the Lord’s message to Judah through Jeremiah that continues to the end of chapter 10. The people had fallen down spiritually but still were lying on the ground; they had moved away from the Lord but hadn’t returned. Then in verse 5 come two more questions. The first question speaks of the people in Jeremiah’s day; the second emphasizes that God’s people had made abandoning Him a habit. Jeremiah was not the first prophet God sent to His rebellious people, but Jeremiah was the last before the exile. Then God partially answers these two questions with the last part of verse 5- “They take hold of deceit; they refuse to return.” This is a reference that the Kings of Judah often were deceitful and many never repented

When people fall down or realize that they are headed in the wrong direction, it only makes sense for them to get up or change directions.  But as God watched the nation, he saw people living sinful lives by choice, deceiving themselves that there would be no consequences. They had lost perspective concerning God’s Will for their lives and were trying to minimize their sin. What are some of the social indicators we see today that indicate when people have fallen down or are heading in the wrong way?

Ironically, though the people would not listen to God, He had been listening to them: “I have paid careful attention”. God mentioned three things His people were doing that displeased Him. First, “They do not speak what is right”. Instead of listening to God, they listened to false prophets and their own ideas. Second, “No one regrets his evil, asking,, What have I done”. Insensitivity to God’s word inevitably brings insensitivity to sin. Third, “Everyone has stayed his course like a horse rushing into battle” with no concept of the dangers that lay ahead. Despite God’s warnings, the people of Judah continued in their wicked ways. They should have known better for they knew the Mosaic Law and He uses the reference to many different kinds of birds to say that even they were aware of the “seasons” and requirements.

Read Jeremiah 8:8-13 Avoid Superficial Responses

Humans have a tendency to find all manner of excuses for their sins. Verses 8-13 expose the lack of concern Judah’s people had for their sins. They had a false confidence in their relationship with God that had to be exposed before they could repent. This is still true today; we must realize we are sinners and seek forgiveness. Verses 8-9 are followed by a censure of the priests and the people for their false optimism and shallow view of morality, with an appropriate fate forecast for them in verses 10-12. These three verses are duplicated in 6:12-15 but they probably were inserted here to bring together the three religious groups responsible for much of the evil of the times. These Scriptures reaffirm the arrogant self-opinion of the professional groups and shows that the source of their authority for thinking they are wise stems from their vocation.

The fact of the matter is quite otherwise: You scribes are unwise and the law of Yahweh is not with you. The scribes were ancient lawyers and, as such, were interpreters of the law whether religious, civil, or criminal. Law is one thing, interpretation is quite another. Throughout recorded history the law courts have been tainted with perennial guilt. By an addition here and a deletion there they have perverted the law (religion/tradition) into a lie (the same kind of charge in Matt. 15-3 and Mark 7:8-13. In Romans 1:22, Paul phrases it “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed…”. Here the scribes rejected the law of Yahweh, which was ultimate wisdom, and they made up their own law from their foolishness.

Verse 13 illustrates the fragmentary nature of the writings of Jeremiah. It hardly agrees in subject with that which precedes or follows. It is an expression of the pathetic disappointment of Yahweh to have found no fruitage in His vineyard (compare Isa. 5:2, 4; Mark 11:12; Luke 13:6) or His fig tree, even worse, the leaves were withered and the investment diminished. Naturally it does have reference to Yahweh’s disappointment with the behavior of the Judeans. God would judge Judah harshly and this judgment would not be piecemeal or involve just a small group of people. It would be devastating and total destruction of the nation- not even plant life would be spared. It would even end in the destruction of the temple and the holy city.

Read Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 Reflect God’s Broken Heartedness

The tone changes in verse 18. We see throughout the words and emotions of God’s prophet, Jeremiah, God’s own tender attitude toward His people whom He was force to punish because of their wickedness. The Lord who takes no pleasure in the death of people (Ezek. 18:32), also takes no pleasure in the devastation of Hid people and their land. In verses 18-19, Jeremiah is pleading with God to the people of Judah. However, before moving from verse 19, it should be noted that this verse speaks as if the people of Judah were already in Babylon: “Listen- the cry of my dear people from a faraway land…”. Upon arrival in Babylon (much later), the captive people of Judah lamented that their God must have forgotten them, wondering where their great King was. This may indicate that by his pleading, Jeremiah knew it was a forgone conclusion that God would permit the exile. Verse 20 continues this thought as it tells us what the people will face and they “have not been saved”. In verses 25:11-13; 29:10, Jeremiah also tells the people they would be exiled for 70 years– not just six months.

The words in verses 20-22, vividly portray Jeremiah’s emotion as he watched his people reject God. He responded with anguish to a world dying in sin. We watch the same world still dying in sin, still rejecting God. But how often is our heart broken for our lost friends and neighbors, our lost world? Only when we have Jeremiah’s kind of passionate concern will we be moved to help. We must begin by asking God to break our heart for the world He loves. Jeremiah asked a question about Gilead, a territory located east of Jordan famous for its healing medicine. Jeremiah often used medical terms to express religious ideas (15:18; 30:15), a deep insight into the psychosomatic nature of mankind. The positive side of medicine is employed with these affirmations: There is balm in Gilead with healing properties; there is a physician available to apply medicine to the wounds; the health (literally, proud flesh) should have been restored. Yahweh’s people had a serious wound. Jeremiah was saying the medical facilities and persons administering the medicine were there. So why weren’t the people healed? Like the apostle Paul (2 Cor. 2:4; Phil. 3:18), Jeremiah also lamented the unbelief of his people. They both remained faithful to declare God’s word. We should be broken-hearted over our own sin-sick country and the entire world that does not know God, and we should be faithful in doing everything we can to reach those who are still in unbelief.



Sometimes we don’t let people get to know us completely because we are afraid they will discover something about us that they won’t like. We may have even thought at some point in our past that God doesn’t know about some of our actions or thoughts. By now, we know that God knows everything about us (Matt. 10:30) and yet He still accepts and loves us. God is with us through every situation, in every trial- protecting, loving, guiding. He knows and loves us completely because He values life and so should we. Psalm 139 is a very personal psalm. David wrote of God’s incomparable attributes- His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence- but he wrote of those attributes in the context of how God knew him and was personally involved in the details of his life. God places high value on each one of us and considers all of our lives to sacred and precious treasures.

Read Psalm 139:1-6

The theme of this beautiful psalm is the presence of God. David knew the Lord intimately. It is a powerful affirmation of faith. The psalm celebrates God’s knowledge, power and presence. We are not told the situation behind the scenes that prompted David to write this but it seems clear it is the result of his reflection on the greatness of God in his life. Of course this reflection likely came as a result of one of his many struggles he faced and David needed some quiet time and meaningful meditation. This psalm indicates David had been given a fresh awareness of God’s remarkable character. This psalm is most important and useful to God’s people as they worship the Lord who considered each of them sacred to Him. From these verses, how can we know that God values us? (David was telling that he felt God’s constant presence and sensed how much the Lord considered him to be a sacred treasure. These verses showed that the Lord knew David intimately and said that David was a man after His own heart.)

God knows us- everything we have ever thought or done- both good and bad.  He knows the intentions of our heart, our very motives, which may not even be known to us. David said that God had searched him, and knew him (v.1). God knew his posture as well as his thoughts (v.2). He was acquainted with all of his ways and with all he spoke- his deeds and his words (vv. 3-4).  God went before him and came behind him (5.). The poet concluded “such knowledge is too wonderful for me (V. 6 RBS). To make the most of life, we must include God’s plan in our plans. God alone knows what is best for us; He alone can fulfill His purpose for us.

Read Psalm 139:13-16

Our value to God is not based on our performance; it is rooted in the fact that we are created in His image. Think about it, He gave His only Son so that He could spend eternity with us. David showed us a distinct connection between how the Lord values us and His work in creating us. We can further see this connection because God has a plan for us. In verses 7-12 (not read), David seems overwhelmed by the Lord’s constant presence in his life. David was even more stunned by the fact that the Lord cared to bring him into the world as a baby. David knew his birth was no accident and his life had been no coincidence. His comment that “You knit me together” (v.13) is like a Hebrew skilled artisan weaving a lovely tapestry with exact precision- meaning that is what God did for David. That is exactly what God did for each of us. Does this mean we are predestined? (God always gives us freedom of choice but certainly wants all of us to be His “children”. He has planned our days. Once we make the decision to accept Jesus as our Savior we are “predestined” to do His Will- as much as humanly possible. For David and other pre-Jesus “saints”, it was like what we learned of Abraham in Romans 4:3 that it was their faith in God.)

God saw David as an embryo long before any person saw the evidence of his development inside his mother’s body. “The depth of the earth” was a way of talking about the creative work going on depth in his mother’s womb. God recorded David’s development day by day- a fascinating process we now know! The more we learn about the human body and the natural world, the more we should stand in awe and worship- just as David did. God’s character goes into the creation of every person. Thus no one is worthless as God’s Spirit is ready and willing to work within each of us. We also must have as much respect for all human life. Abortion is wrong as life begins at conception. David gives us a great example to follow when he prayed with a dynamic awareness that the Lord treated him like a valuable treasure. The Lord had given us life, and He alone has the final word over us and He does have a plan for each of us.

Read Psalm 139:17-18

Now David continued to praise the Lord and felt he had no choice but to make a heartfelt confession. He was confessing he lived with a serious limitation in his relationship with the Lord. The limitation had to do with his finite mid that could not comprehend the infinite thoughts of God. The problem rested in the reality that God’s thought were extremely difficult for him to grasp and some even were impossible for David to understand. This is like when Isaiah was told by God to appeal to His people to return to Him (Isa. 55:9). God declared His thoughts were loftier than their thoughts and His ways higher than their ways. God’s declaration Isaiah confirmed the difficulty David faced when he tried to understand the thoughts of God. So David’s writings provided a clear contrast between his thoughts and God’s. David could not hide his thoughts form God. They were finite and limited but God’s thoughts were vast and well beyond David’s realm of understanding.

How can this study help us exhibit grace and understanding to someone who has not valued life? (David gives us a beginning to answer this question when he tried to count the thoughts of God and found them too numerous. The vastness of God’s mind is too great to understand but especially it shows His love and caring for every single person even those just conceived.)

As David wrote in verse 18, he gave the impression that in the effort to comprehend God’s mind it would so preoccupy him at night when he went to bed and when he woke up. After a night’s rest, he would awaken to discover his thoughts still centered upon the magnificent mind of the everlasting Lord. Recall that when David confessed that his finite mind could not grasp God’s infinite thoughts, David was talking directly to God. Also notice that the Lord was there with David. God never left David because He considered David’s life sacred. Psalm 139 tells us to affirm the importance of agreeing with God on the value of human life and all life is sacred. As a result, we can see ourselves and others as valuable because we share God’s perspective on the sacred value of life.



Meaning and purpose come in life as we deepen our walk with God and trust Him completely. Believers want to know that their lives count for something beyond just getting through the day. When we take the time to step back and see the big picture, we understand what really matters for time and eternity. Life can have meaning now, and we can make a difference in the world around us now. God gave Moses a song that would help Israel see the big picture. This song can teach the believer what matters for time and eternity.

Read Deuteronomy 32:1-4 God is Worthy

Moses had grown old (120 Years old), and knew God would not let him enter the Promised Land (Deut. 32:2). Moses also knew that when Israel crossed the Jordan, they would need some type of testimony to remind them of the covenant they had made with God at Sinai. So Moses wrote down the words of the law and entrusted them to the priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant (31:9). He instructed them to read the law on a regular basis to all Israel so that they might learn to fear the Lord and follow Him (31:10-13). However, God Knew Israel was a rebellious and stubborn nation (31:16-18). He commanded Moses to do one more thing. God directed Moses to give Israel another witness, a song (31:19). The ancient Near East gives us evidence of songs of all kinds from 3000 BC onward.

Moses was not only a great prophet but also a song leader. He changed his form of his message from sermons to singing, which mad it easier to remember. All of us show were involved in Vacation Bible School in the past or other types of Bible training as kids remember the songs that were sung and the stories if these songs better than sermons or talks. This is a big reason that Veggie Tales are so popular (even Larry’s Silly Songs). God told Moses to write down the song and teach it to the people. This song gives a brief history of Israel. (Wish I knew the melody to go with the words.) Moses’ song reminds the people of their mistakes, warns them to avoid repetition of those mistakes, and offers the hope that comes only in trusting God. God intended for this song to testify against Israel because He knew they would worship other gods and break the covenant (32:20-21). Then by remembering the song, they would repent and seek forgiveness.

This poem (song) is one of the most beautiful and eloquent compositions in the Old Testament. The poem begins with Moses calling upon the heavens and earth to listen…to the words that he would speak. Two literary issues need to be pointed out here. First, the song follows the common practice of Hebrew poetry in repeating the basic meaning of one line in the following line or lines. This gives beauty and depth to the song. So Moses says “pay attention” to the heavens and “listen” to the earth. Second, the song uses simile to draw attention to the poem’s thought. For an example, the teaching of the song falls “like rain”, and the words “settle like dew”. “Like” signals a simile, a figure of speech where one thing is compared to another. This helps us understand why this poem/song is so well respected by so many. Then Moses calls God “The Rock”. What is the significance of this? (This represents the stability and permanence of God and is followed by a series of phrases which elaborates the attributes of God as the Rock of Israel. It also declares God’s Greatness.)

Read Deuteronomy 32:5-9 Humanity is Willful

Verse 5 picks up on the second great theme of the poem. In stark contrast to God’s faithfulness, Israel has acted like a “devious and crooked generation”. First, the song reminds God’s people that they have already “acted corruptly toward Him”. Second, the song also points prophetically to the future when Israel would turn their attention to pagan gods, breaking the covenant at Sinai and turning their back on the Lord. In doing so, they would not be acting like His children. The second line of verse 5 is difficult to translate. The Hebrew word “defect” in Holman, is “spot” in KJV, “blemish” in American Standard, or “shame in NIV. The “defect” and the term “perfect” (v.4) (or unblemished) are used to designate sacrificial animals that are either unacceptable or acceptable for worship (Lev. 22:21; Numbers 19:2). So unlike God’s deeds and actions, which are “perfect” (Deut. 32:4), Israel’s were defective and unacceptable. The moral blemish or “defect” was Israel’s willfulness: a desire to reject God as the Father and act as disobedient and willful children. IN Matthew 17:17, Jesus used the phrase like “a perverse and crooked generation” to describe an unbelieving generation and Paul (Philippians 2:15) talks about the dark world of mankind in rebellion against God.

Moses directly addressed Israel in verse 6 and continued the indictment in a series of rhetorical questions. These show that Israel failed to realize God’s requirements were not wearisome burdens but were the result of God’s covenant love. Moses urged them to “remember the days of old”. Then he uses the title “Most High”, which is Genesis 14 refers to Yahweh or God, to say that was who gave the nations their inheritance (Amos 9:7; Deut. 4:20). This was “dividing the human race” into separate nations. God wanted Israel to be “His own” special possession (Ex. 19:5; Deut. 7:6; 14:2). With such a lofty position and role, the betrayal and corruption of Israel starkly highlights their wickedness. What reaction do you have or what do these verses say to you? (God is God and we are not!)

Read Deuteronomy 32:36-39, 43 God’s Ways are Wonderful

The main purpose of these verses is to establish the truth of God’s grace: despite Israel’s arrogant rebellion, God still loved His people and would willingly have compassion on them. In contrast to Israel’s willful actions, “God’s Ways are Wonderful”. Verse 36 is the promise that the Lord will judge Israel as a nation, but that the nation is composed of both righteous and wicked. It seems to be saying that God helps the righteous (His servants) by destroying the wicked- a prediction of what is to come also. This verse also tells us what had to happen before Israel could experience God’s mercy. What was it? (When Israel’s “strength “to rebel was “gone”.) In the next two verses, Moses uses rhetorical questions again to say that trust in any other possible source of strength will prove useless. Then verse 39 contains a noble declaration of God’s nature. In contrast to the inability of idols, the God of Israel “alone” is “He”- the living God. “There is no God” but Yahweh- this makes the strong point that He alone is the Only One capable enough to offer help and protection. It spells out that God’s hand holds the power of “death” and “life”, and He alone can exercise the power to “wound” and “heal”. Then it says “No one” could be rescued “from” His “hand”- which exclaims that when a person is a true child of His no one can take them away. This is the forerunner of “once saved, always saved”.

The final verse (43) of the song boldly proclaims that the Lord will “avenge the blood of His servants” and execute “vengeance” on “His adversaries”. This is a reference to the second Coming and the last days for the wicked. In addition, He “will purify” both ”His land and His people”. The Hebrew verb translated “purify” actually means “to make atonement”. This indicates that hope exists for reconciliation between God and His people. This atonement would find its fulfillment and fullness in Christ Jesus (Ezekiel 16:60-63; Romans 3:25; Hebrews 2:17) on the Cross (this is referenced in Psalms 79:9.) Verse 43 is quoted by Paul in Romans 15:10; as does the writer of Hebrews in 1:6. As an end result, all “nations” would be called on to “rejoice” with Israel for God’s wonderful ways.

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This is a study about how Jesus meets our deepest needs. So this is one more of Jesus’ “I am” statements and how our lives can be filled with purpose. Many fill their lives with activity: work schedules, religious activities, sports (like the volleyball night that we all attended), family events, and community meetings. Many times we let ourselves get so busy that our true purpose gets lost at least temporarily. But the question underlying all the busyness is “What is the purpose?” Some people fill their lives with activity either to find a since of purpose or to mask the lack of purpose they feel. Many of these people never give Jesus a chance to give them a purpose in life. When we depend on Jesus and stay close to Him, He fills our lives with purpose. Jesus is the vine who empowers us to live productive lives for God.

Read John 15:1-3

These verses continue with Jesus relaying necessary truth to His as-yet-unsuspecting disciples- with two particular distinctions. It was later in the evening after the Last Supper. The location had shifted out of the upper room (14:3). Perhaps Jesus and the disciples were walking to the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane, maybe they had already arrived or stopped along the way. However, they passed the Temple. On the front of the Temple was an elaborately embossed golden vine. Here Jesus mad an analogy that almost functions in John’s Gospel as the equivalent of a parable found in the other Gospels. This analogy connects beautifully with the last supper scene in chapter 13. The group had partaken of the fruit of the vine. So Jesus used the supper experience and said, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper”.

Then Jesus began to teach His disciples with a metaphor instantly recognizable at two levels. One level was common, well-known rural life of the countryside (the Jewish world of Judea was rural). So the disciples had an understanding of vines, vineyards and those who tended to them. More importantly, the second level was religious. This analogy of Israel as a vineyard and God as the vineyard keeper was a common figure of Jewish prophets and poets (Ps. 80:8; Isa. 5:7; Hos. 10:1). To the disciples would be familiar with hearing about vines and vineyards in a religious or spiritual context.

With the symbol of the vine in the background of their thinking and the vine on the Temple before their eyes, Jesus stated that He was the true vine, the real and authentic vine. The nation Israel, symbolized by the vine, had grown wild, but Jesus had been obedient to the will of the Father. The Father was their gardener who tended and cared for the vine. The gardener of the vine was so careful that he pruned the branches to encourage them to bear more fruit and cut off the unproductive branches (v.2). He was not the kind of vinedresser who simply let his vines grow their own wild and undisciplined way. Instead, he exerted constant and concerned care over the vine so that it would be the most productive vine possible.

Jesus makes a distinction between two kinds of pruning: 1) cutting off and 2) cutting back branches. In other words, God must sometimes discipline us to strengthen our character and faith. But branches that don’t bear fruit are cut off at the trunk not only because they are worthless but also because they often infect the rest of the tree. People who don’t bear fruit for God or who try to block the efforts of God’s followers will be cut off from His life-giving power.

Read John 15:4-7

Lack of follow through is one of the key issues of following Jesus. That is why Jesus said, “Remain in Me”. Basically, this translates into maintain our relationship with Him. As the branches of a vine strengthen and sustenance from the vine, so were they strengthened and sustained by abiding in Him (v.4).  By abiding in Him they would be productive and fruitful. But the only way they could be fruitful was through abiding in Him. The relationship of unity between the believer and Christ is as close as that of the branches and the vine. In fact, Jesus made it more explicit when He said, “I am the vine, you are the branches” (v.5). A branch could not live unless it had a life-sustaining relationship to the vine. In this application Jesus made it clear that the believer lived in that kind of life-sustaining union with Himself. Without that union they could do nothing. In that union they could be productive.

The fruit for the Christian is a Christ-like life. It is the production of those characteristics of life expressed in Jesus Christ Himself. As He lived in love and followed the Father’s will in obedience the believer is to be marked by those same traits. Verse 6 states that a pruning process goes on. With cultivation of any vine the dead wood is cut off and the branches are cut back so they can produce more. Judas Iscariot had already left the group. At one point, many turned back from following Him (6:66-what a likely verse number to state that).  Others whose commitment was only lip service would also leave. True disciples would remain faithful to the end. The discipline of the disciples would go on. They would face hard times and tough decisions during the arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Yet through the discipline of pruning a hardier, more productive vine results. The abiding relationship with the vine is essential for life.

One of the promises of the abiding relationship is answered prayer (v.7). Notice that the relationship with Christ is not simply emotional and subjective. As the believer abides in Christ and the words of Christ abide in Him, the believer can ask in prayer and receive the answer. It is not a matter of any whim being granted but of maintaining such relationship to Christ in faith and in conformity with His teachings that what one asks would be in line with God’s will.

What does “remaining in Christ” look like in our daily life? (I like the thought that our daily life should be such that the non-believer will not understand our life.)

Remaining in Christ means 1) believing that He is God’s Son (1 John 4:15, 2) receiving Him as Savior and Lord (John 1:12), 3) doing what God says (1 John 3:24), 4) continuing to believe the Good News (1 John 2:24), and 5) relating in love to the community of believers, Christ (John 15:12).

Read John 15:8

Many people try to be good, honest people who do what is right. But Jesus says that the only way to live a truly good life is to stay close to Him, like a branch attached to the vine. Apart from Christ our efforts are unfruitful. If we are not receiving the nourishment and life offered by Christ, the vine, we’re missing a special gift He has for us. When a vine produces “much fruit”, God is glorified. For daily He sends the sunshine and rain to make the crops grow, and constantly He nurtured each tiny plant and prepared it to blossom. What a moment of glory for the Lord of the harvest when the harvest is brought into the “barns”, mature and ready for use. How clear is that for bringing others to the saving of Jesus and having them also share their faith.

The Father is glorified through the answered prayer (v.8). The things they ask and what they want -would be in such conformity with the character of Christ and the will of God that the result would bring glory and praise to God. The proof of the disciple is a character in conformity with the character of Christ.

To summarize John 15:1-8, there are three things that are clear: 1) the vine analogy is a call to growth; 2) the vine analogy is a call to Christian community; and 3) the vine analogy is an invitation to salvation. What is a better purpose than this?

Copy and Paste the following for more on Christian lifestyle:



We need to start by understanding who we mean by God’s “Chosen People”. The Israelites were named as God’s chosen people in the time of Abraham. However, the covenant with Noah before, during and after the “flood” seems clear. At that time in history the survivors of the flood were Hebrews. Hebrews is a synonym for Jews. The term Jews was first used in 2 Kings 25:25 (NAB). So to define the terms Hebrews were Jews and they were also Israelites. Further, many use the term Jew as a form of Judah- or vice versa.  Judah is the son of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel by God. The point of all of this is that whenever people are referred to by any of these names, they are considered God’s Chosen People.

So look at the various places where we see that God will save His people:

  1. Zechariah 8:7-8. “Thus says the Lord of hosts, Behold, I am going to save My people from the land of the east and from the land of the west” (v.7 NASB). “and I will bring them back and they will live in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God in truth and righteousness” (v.8 NASB). This is a prophecy of the end times and it is about the Chosen People. Then in 9:9 Zechariah gives a stunning prophecy about the Messiah (Jesus): “Behold, your king is coming to you. He is just and endowed with salvation, humble, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey for the remnant of Judah” (NLT). Here the remnant of Judah is the Chosen People and it states that the King is coming with salvation. In Zech. 9:11-17 it says that the Lord will deliver Judah and Ephraim, which are the Jews, because of the blood of His Covenant.


  1. Malachi 4:4-6. “Remember the Law of Moses My servant, even the statues and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel.” “Behold I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.” “He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” This is called this the final admonition to the prophecy of the Lord promise to be with His people.


  1. Habakkuk 3:1-19. This tells of Habakkuk’s prayer for God’s people and God response was deliverance. Verse 13 states: “You went forth for the salvation of Your people, for the salvation of your anointed. You stuck the head of the house of the evil to lay him open from thigh to neck.” This is God promising to save His people and to protect them from the evil to come in the end.


  1. Micah 4:1-2. “And it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and the peoples will stream to it.” “Many nations will come and say Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob that He may teach us about His paths. For from Zion will go forth the law, even the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” He will assemble the lame, the outcasts and afflicted and make a remnant that strong nation (Israel) and the Lord will reign over them in Mt. Zion. This is clearly bringing His people back to Jerusalem to save them. Jeremiah states the same type of the Jews returning to Jerusalem in the end times (more on this later).

Micah 5:1-5a, the birth of Jesus is prophesized, and in verse 2 it states: “From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.” Then in verse 3: “Therefore He will give them up until the time when she who is in labor has borne a child. Then the remainder of His brethren will return to the sons of Israel.” This is also viewed as the same promise given earlier in Micah that His people will return to Jerusalem to be “saved” (protected) by God.
Verse 7:8 says the remnant of Jacob (Jews) will be among many people and nations and the Lord will be among them.


  1. 1 Chronicles 17:9-10. Here is one passage that clearly tells what God will do for His people: “I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and not be moved again; and the wicked will not waste them anymore as formerly”. This continues the thoughts from Zechariah, Micah and Jeremiah about “bringing His people bank to Jerusalem for protection and salvation in eternity. This is also the covenant God made with David.

1 Chronicles 16:15-17 says to “Remember His covenant forever…” which is the covenant made with “thousands of generations- Noah Gen. 6:18; Rainbow covenant Gen. 9:13; and Abraham Gen. 17:2-4 – to name just three.


  1. Ezra 8:31b. “and He delivered us (Levites who are Jews) from the hand of the enemy and the ambushes by the way.” Here Ezra is talking further about the protection for the remnant. As we now know the remnant who those Jews who were saved/protected and permitted to return to Jerusalem to re-build the temple. During the time of Ezra 2 Chronicles 36:23 says that the Lord told Cyrus to let the remnant return to Jerusalem so it would lead to the coming of Jesus.


  1. Jeremiah 23:1-6. This is telling of the coming of the Messiah: the Righteous Branch and the Lord will gather the “remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and bring them back to their pasture…”(v. 3 NASB). Then verses 5-6 says: “Behold the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which by which He will be called, The Lord our Righteousness.” While this is a promise in Jeremiah’s day it is clearly not about his time as it says “Israel will dwell securely” which they were not during Jesus’ day when the Romans were in charge. Further in verse 8 Jeremiah writes: “but, As the Lord lives, who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north land and from all the countries where I had driven them. Then they will live on their own soil (Jerusalem).”

Jeremiah 31:31-33. “Behold days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah” (v.31). Then it says that it is not the same covenant which He had made with their fathers but a new covenant. Verse 33b states:  “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”

Jeremiah 32:37-38. “Behold, I will gather them out of all the lands to which I have driven them in My anger, in My wrath and in great indignation; and I will bring them back to this place and make them dwell in safety. They shall be My people, and I will be their God.” Here God repeats, for more than two times, that He will restore His people and save His remnant. It has been said that when God says something twice or more that He wants us to hear it and – He means it!


  1. Ezekiel 39:28.Ezekiel makes it clear that this gathering of the remnant means God will return every single living Jew back to their land. He writes that the Lord said He would gather them again to their own land- “and…none of them will be captive any longer”.

God’s covenant with Abraham will reach its ultimate fulfillment only upon Christ’s second coming. The Jews will return to the Lord and, as Zechariah, Micah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and others prophesied, they will be His people and He will be their God. The borders of the land will expand to the dimensions described in Genesis 15 and Ezekiel 48. Christ’s return will also fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah 32:37-38 (above) that God will gather the Jews.

Today we see this prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes. In 2006, for the first time in nineteen hundred years, Israel became home to the largest Jewish community in the world, surpassing the Jewish population in the U.S. From the 650,000 who returned when the Jewish state was founded in 1948 (and recognized officially by President Truman), the population of Israel has swelled to approximately 5.4 million, and it’s expected to exceed 6 million by 2020 (unless Rapture occurs first).


  1. Revelation 2:9 states that all who claim to be Jews are not the chosen people. As some residences of today’s Israel do not even follow the Old Testament – like alone the New Testament. Jesus has John to give this warning to that they are “a synagogue of Satan”. However, the Book of Revelation foretells the last wave of Anti-Semitism that will roll over the world. This is telling all that God will not permit this prejudice to continue.

Revelation 7:4-9 tells of the remnant of Israel and the 144,000 who are sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel.


  1. Luke 22:20. Jesus said this is “the new covenant in My blood”. Then in Luke 21:20-22 Jesus supports and basically says the same thing that Jeremiah said about the remnant returning to Jerusalem when He talks about the things to come.


  1. Acts 3:25b. Luke writes what Peter quoted from Genesis: “And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. While this says “all families”, this covenant was made to Abraham for the chosen Jews.


  1. Hebrews 7:22. “So much the more also Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant”.


After all of this maybe the best indication that God will save His Chosen People is that even though Israel (the chosen people) failed to bring about hope and salvation for humanity during their history, the Jewish people and lineage had the privilege of bringing the Deliverer (Christ) into the world as a Jewish person.

We know that those of us who are believers in Jesus and have repented will be saved whether we are Jewish or not. We also know that, according to Jesus’ teachings, no one who does not believe in Jesus and repent will find the way to eternity. So where does that leave “the non-believing” Jewish people who came from the remnant and were consider the “Chosen People”? That is why God continues to give all the chance to find His mercy and love through Christ and has not yet signaled for Christ’s second coming. Even before that coming, many will be saved (who were not Raptured) in the Tribulation primarily due to the two witnesses and the 144,000. Also remember, as we are told in Revelation chapter 20 that there will be a Millennium, where others will be given a chance to come to the faith in Jesus who will be the King during that time. My writings on the Millennium will further explain this concept as I see in Isaiah and other areas of the Bible. There is one last thought about those who chose to be saved or not choose God’s grace and undeserved mercy of salvation: all must make that decision to follow the “narrow path” to salvation that Jesus teaches- prior to their physical death on this earth.